2014 Movies

Michael Keaton and Edward Norton in Birdman...Birdman won the Best Picture Oscar...but it is not in the Top 20 in my rankings.
Michael Keaton and Edward Norton in Birdman…Birdman won the Best Picture Oscar…but it is not in the Top 20 in my rankings.

Want to know the best 2014 Movies?  How about the worst 2014 Movies?  Curious about 2014 Movies did at the box office or which 2014 Movies picked up the most Oscar® nominations and Oscar® wins? Need to know which 2014 Movies movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.

So what will you find on this page? …You get lots of great stats on 2014 movies. There will be many tables of information in this page.  In the following table you can sort the movies any way you want.  Want to know the Top Domestic Box Office Hit of 2014?  Sort by the 4th column and you will see American Sniper in first place.  Want to know the Top Worldwide Box Office Hit of 2014? Sort the movies by the 5th column and you will see Transformers: Age of Extinction in first place.  Want to know which movies got the best and worst reviews of the year?  Sort column 6 and you will see Boyhood at the top and Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas at the bottom.  Sort column 7 to see which movies got the most Oscar® nominations and wins.  In other words there are lots of ways to look at all of these 2014 movies.

This is the fourth year in a row that I kept track of the major movie releases.  In 2011, The Help ended up as the highest rated movie of the year.   In 2012, Argo ended up as the highest rated movie of the year.   Last year Gravity ended up being the top movie of the year.

And finally when looking at the final table that ranks all of the movies…realize that a movie maxes out the points in the box office category when it reaches $200 million.

2014's Guardians of the Galaxy...yet another smash for Marvel Movies
2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy…yet another smash for Marvel Movies

2014 Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort 2014 Movies by the star or stars of the 2014 Movies listed in table
  • Sort 2014 Movies by domestic box office grosses
  • Sort 2014 Movies by worldwide box office grosses
  • Sort by how 2014 Movies were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each 2014 Movies received.
  • Sort 2014 Movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.

Bradley Cooper in 2014's American Sniper...our pick as the best overall movie of the year.
Bradley Cooper in 2014’s American Sniper…our pick as the best overall movie of the year.

My Yearly Review Pages

Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences.

(Visited 14,114 times)

43 thoughts on “2014 Movies

  1. Tired of obscure people from the Oracle of Bacon, these are the most prolific actors of 2014 (5 or more roles) from Movie Insider.

    8 Wendy McLendon-Covey
    7 Willem Dafoe
    6 Ray Liotta, Rosario Dawson, Liam Neeson, Dennis Haysbert, Morgan Freeman, Wes Bentley, Andy Garcia, Oliver Platt
    5 Imogen Poots, Brenton Thwaites, Kevin Hart, Michael Kenneth Williams, Dominic Cooper, Nicolas Cage, John Cusack, Dan Stevens, Stanley Tucci, James Franco, Elijah Wood

    1. Hey Dan…I like the new stats. 2014 the leader was Ms Wendy? I will have to do an IMDb search on her…the name sounds familiar. Morgan Freeman and Kevin Hart have kept that pace going in 2015 and 2016. Poor Nic Cage….making movies left and right and nobody is seeing them. Good stuff.

        1. Hey Dan…thanks for the information on Ms. Wendy….I was thinking she was the neighbors mom in Honey I Shrunk The Kids. I think I was just a little off….lol.

  2. An update on my previous comment, I’ve now seen 74 of the 146 films you’ve listed. I still haven’t seen Boyhood, Whiplash or Exodus. But I’ve seen nearly all the top 30 films you’ve listed. Good to see Sniper, Guardians and Lego Movie at the top. I expected The Grand Budapest Hotel and Birdman to be higher though, box office wasn’t good enough I suppose?

    1. Hey Steve….well after all the updates…this page will have no more new movies….my tally count today….is 109 of 153 or 71.24%…..I wonder what your new tally is now?

    1. @dillon1987….. Very cool…..I am up to seeing 73 of these movies…not too bad concerning I really get to see movies in theaters anymore. Thanks for the comment.

  3. Glad to see that Channing’s 22 Jump Street is so highly ranked. I look forward to his Foxcatcher.

    1. @i love Channing. Your boy had a great 2014. Foxcatcher even picked up 2 Oscar nominations…..thanks for stopping by.

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