Lucille Ball Movies

lucy 1111Want to know the best Lucille Ball movies?  How about the worst Lucille Ball movies?  Curious about Lucille Ball box office grosses or which Lucille Ball movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Lucille Ball movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences and which ones got the worst reviews? Well you have come to the right place…. because we have all of that information and much more.

Lucille Ball (1911-1989) was an American actress, comedienne, model, film studio executive and producer.  Ball became one of the most famous people in the world from her television shows in the 1950s.  Meanwhile she quietly had a great movie career too. She appeared in over 70 movies from the 1930s to the 1970s.  This page is only going to look at her movie career ….sorry we do not have any television stats in our database.

Her IMDb page shows 120 acting credits 1933-1986. This page will rank 38 Lucille Ball movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information. Television shows, his many shorts and cameos were not included in the rankings.

Lucille Ball in 1943's Du Barry Was a Lady
Lucille Ball in 1943’s Du Barry Was a Lady

Lucille Ball Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

Lucille Ball Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Lucille Ball movies by co-stars of her movies
  • Sort Lucille Ball movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort Lucille Ball movies by yearly domestic box office rank or trivia
  • Sort Lucille Ball movies by how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and Oscar® wins each Lucille Ball movie received.
  • Sort Lucille Ball movies by Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Score.  UMR puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
  • Use the sort and search buttons to make this table very interactive.

Stats and Possibly Interesting Things From The Above Lucille Ball Table

  1. Sixteen Lucille Ball movies crossed the magical $100 million domestic gross mark.  That is a percentage of 44.44% of her movies listed. Thousands Cheer (1943) was her biggest box office hit.
  2. An average Lucille Ball movie grossed $114.50 million in adjusted box office gross.
  3. Using’s 60% fresh meter.  25 of Lucille Ball’s movies are rated as good movies…or 69.44% of her movies.  Stage Door (1937) was her highest rated movie while A Girl a Guy and a Gob (1941) was her lowest rated movie.
  4. Five Lucille Ball movie received at least one Oscar® nomination in any category…..or 13.88% of her movies.
  5. One Lucille Ball movie won at least one Oscar® in any category…..or 2.77% of her movies.
  6. A “good movie” Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Score is 60.00.  24 Lucille Ball movies scored higher that average….or 66.66% of her movies. Stage Door (1937) got the the highest UMR Movie Score while A Girl a Guy and a Gob (1941) got the lowest UMR Movie Score.
Lucille Ball and Bob Hope starred in 4 movies together.
Lucille Ball and Bob Hope starred in 4 movies together.

Sadly we were not able to find box office information on all of Lucille Ball’s movies.  So which movies are missing?  Lots of her movies from her RKO “B” movie days, many of the Columbia movies she made right before I Love Lucy started and a few movies from the 1940s.  That being said, we figured there was no reason not to share what we do have.  We call our website Ultimate Movie Rankings because we normally try and rank every movie an actor or actress made.  Since this is only 36 of Lucy’s movie we will just call this a Lucille Ball Movie Ranking Page and leave out the Ultimate!

Steve’s Lucille Ball You Tube Video

Check out Lucille Ball‘s career compared to current and classic actors and directors.  Most 100 Million Dollar Movies of All-Time.

(Visited 1 times)

27 thoughts on “Lucille Ball Movies

  1. In 1999 Time magazine compiled a list of the 100 people regarded as the “most important individuals of the 20th century”. It mostly considered of inventors, politicians (like FDR and JFK), industrialists, painters, writers, and assorted intellectuals. Albert Einstein topped it.

    The overall list was split up into 5 sections of 20 and the following are Time’s pick of the “20 Greatest Artists and Entertainers”. 5 on the list have been connected with the cinema as MAJOR STARS and are shown in bold letters below.

    Louis Armstrong
    LLUCILLE BALL – Most Influential TV comedienne
    The Beatles
    MARLON BRANDO – Most Influential Movie Star
    Coco Chanel
    CHARLIE CHAPLIN – Most Influential Silent Era Comedian
    Lee Corbusier
    Bob Dylan
    T S Eliot
    Aretha Franklin

    Martha Graham
    Jim Henson
    James Joyce
    Pablo Picasso
    Rodgers and Hammerstein
    Bart Simpson
    FRANK SINATRA – Most Influential Singer
    STEVEN SPIELBERG – Most Influential Moviemaker
    Igor Stravinski
    Ophra Winfrey

    MARILYN MONROE (as most influential sex symbol) is the 6th film star to be in the Time 100, but she is in the 20 Heroes and Icons section.

    Show business newspaper Variety also produced its own (Top 10) list of the Greatest entertainers of the 20th century. Here they are in alphabetical order and some of those on the Time 100 lists are also on the Variety list.

    Louis Armstrong**
    Lucille Ball**
    The Beatles**
    Humphrey Bogart
    Marlon Brando**
    Charlie Chaplin**
    James Dean
    Mickey Mouse
    Elvis Presley
    Frank Sinatra**

    **On the Time 100 list as well

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