1976 Top Grossing Movies

1976’s Rocky was the biggest hit of the year and won the Oscar for Best Picture

This movie page looks at 125 1976 Top Grossing Movies Finding box office information for movies made before 1980 is not an easy task.   For somebody looking for box office information on 1976 it is very very frustrating.  Over the years, we have researched and collected information on over 30,000 movies.  So we figured we would show all the 1976 movies in our database.

To make this list a movie had to be made in 1976.  Obviously many movies (One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest and Dog Day Afternoon) made in 1975 earned box office dollars in 1976.  On the other side many movies made in 1976 made money in 1977 and later.  This page will looks at 125 1976 Top Grossing Movies.  The movies are listed in a massive table that lets you rank the movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information.

Drivel Part:  So why 1976?  There are a couple of reasons….first it was a request from Flora….who happens to have been born in 1976.  Secondly …..this was the last year that some of my favorites (John Wayne & Alfred Hitchcock) made movies.  And thirdly….our previous yearly UMR pages have been very popular.

1976 Best Picture Oscar nominated movies

Our UMR Top 50 of 1976

1976 Top Grossing Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort 1976 Top Grossing Movies by the stars or in some cases the director of the movie.
  • Sort 1976 Top Grossing Movies by actual box office grosses (in millions)
  • Sort 1976 Top Grossing Movies by domestic adjusted box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort 1976 Top Grossing Movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations each1976 Top Grossing Movies received
  • Sort by how many Oscar® wins each 1976 Top Grossing Movies received.
  • Sort 1976 Top Grossing Movies by Ultimate Movie Ranking Score (UMR).  Our UMR score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.

Kris Kristofferson & Barbra Streisand in the 2nd biggest hit of 1976…A Star Is Born

My Main Sources

Source 1: Variety – January 5th, 1977 Pages 14 and 44.

Source 2: Twentieth Century-Fox A Corporate and Financial History by Aubrey Solomon

Source 3:  Wikipedia

Source 4:  IMDb.com

Source 5:  BoxOfficeMojo.com

How the Box Office Numbers were Calculated 

Sadly in 1976….BoxOfficeMojo was not around to keep track of box office earnings. Back then earnings seem to be a secret and a secret that needed to be safely locked up.  When studios did report box office stats they used “box office rentals”.  Box office rentals were the amount of money the studio got back from the theaters.  It is NOT the box office gross.  Every year the rental to box office gross percentage changed…in 1976 this meant you had to triple the rentals to get the gross….so the multiplier used in this page was 3.0.

My Yearly Review Pages

Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences.

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44 thoughts on “1976 Top Grossing Movies

    1. Hey sidney….just deleted The Song Remains the Same, while keeping Led Zeppelin: The Song Remains The Same. Tricky titles like that sometimes get by our watch…..so we appreciate when these mistakes are brought to our attention. Thanks again for you catches on this 1976 page….it is greatly appreciated.

  1. did you mean to have a tie for #41?
    41 Grizzly (1976) Christopher George 22.9 96.5 56 00 / 00 71.3
    41 Mother, Jugs & Speed (1976) Bill Crosby &
    Harvey Keitel 23.1 97.4 54 00 / 00 69.4

    1. Hey sidney…..thanks for the ranking catch. One of the glitches we have in the database/website SQL is when a new movie is added to a page….it messes up the rankings. A complete website update adds the movie to the correct page….but until we do a “specific page” update the ratings are out of whack. Well…we just did a “1976 page update”…and the rankings are back in order. Good eyes.

    1. Hey Robert…..sorry….it had the wrong table name….but I fixed it. Makes me wonder how long it has been that way. Thanks for the catch.


    1 Mention of your daughter’s degree brings back my memory of watching my own daughter receive her degree in Scotland, Great Britain almost 20 years ago. While we were waiting outside to be allowed into the university hall a newspaper seller passed and I bought a paper which told me that sadly both Robert Mitchum and my all-time idol James Stewart had just died.within hours of each other on 1 and 2 July 1997 respectively. Luckily the awards ceremony was able to renew my spirits.

    2 Anyway give my genuine congratulations to D of Cogerson and tell her that already knowing of the excellent work her father produces on this site and her mother’s computer wizardry and now hearing of D of C’s academic success reminded me of Paul Newman’s line towards the end of Absence of Malice. In an enquiry Newman has just outwitted all those trying to bring him down and the investigating officer played by Wilford Brimley says to him in both annoyance and wonder “You’re one smart fella” to which Newman replies truthfully and blandly “There are a LOT of smart people in this room.”

    1. Hey Bob. Thanks for the congrats for DoC. She has worked very hard and through hard work she now has two degrees without a penny of debt.

      Bittersweet memory of your daughter’s graduation. Mitchum and Stewart will be a trivia answer for the rest of time. 🙂


    1 I am in the middle of one of my personal statistical exercises and have been making extensive use of your Annual Review series. As is normally the case figures are matching up 99.9% but one stat stubbornly raises a query. [As Ed Begley protested derisorily when Hank kept challenging the evidence in 12 Angry Men “Boy oh boy there’s always one!”]

    2 Streisand’s own Cogerson page quotes an adjusted gross of $322.3 for A Star is Born but your 1976 review suggests it was $444.9 million. As always the other sites are so far apart that they do not help. Mojo quotes an actual figure of $80 million adjusted to $332 mil whereas The Numbers says that the actual figure is just $63.2 million which would probably equate to an adjusted gross of around $265 million.

    3 Indeed it seems Mojo works slightly ahead of you in its adjustments as it uses the very latest ESTIMATED ticket prices whereas I think you don’t go beyond known ticket prices and if you and Mojo used the same base year your figure on Babs’ page would probably not differ much from Mojo’s. Anyway I always go by your figures so maybe you could clarify matters when you have a moment. Thanks BOB

    1. Hey Bob…..I would go with the lower number. I call that my box office mojo adjusted number. I need to fix my Babs page so the numbers match.

      The rental number I have is 37 million which is pretty stout. My big number gave it credit for only one release versus it is malt releases. Sorry for the confusion.

      P.S. did this comment while waiting to see my oldest daughter get her masters degree from ODU

      1. Commencement speech contains mentions to The Night of the Living Dead, Silence of the Lambs and Hellraiser. My kind of speech.

        1. Matrix just got a shout out too. When Katie got her Bachelor Degree the speaker was a former studio head. Gotta love ODU.

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