1984 Movies

To make this list a movie had to be made in 1984.  Obviously many movies made in 1983 earned box office dollars in 1984.  On the other side many movies made in 1984 made money in 1985 and later.   This page will looks at over 170 movies made in 1984.  The movies are listed in two massive tables that lets you rank the movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information.

Our UMR Top 50 of 1984

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1984 Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort 1984 Movies by movie titles and movie trailers
  • Sort 1984 Movies by the stars or in some cases the director of the movie.
  • Sort 1984 Movies by domestic adjusted box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort 1984 Movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations each 1984 Movies received and how many Oscar® wins each 1984 Movies received.
  • Sort 1984 Movies by Ultimate Movie Ranking Score (UMR).  Our UMR score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
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Top earners in 1984 for Adjusted USA Box Office:

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#6 Burt Reynolds and #1 Clint Eastwood in 1984’s City Heat

Quigley’s 1984 Top Stars List

1. Clint Eastwood
2. Bill Murray
3. Harrison Ford
4. Eddie Murpy
5. Sally Field
6. Burt Reynolds
7. Robert Redford
8. Prince…no UMR page
9. Dan Aykroyd
10. Meryl Streep
11. Debra Winger…no UMR page
12. Sylvester Stallone
13. Tom Hanks
14. Arnold Schwarzenegger
15. Shirley MacLaine
16. Steve Martin
17. Tom Cruise
18. Jack Nicholson
19. Richard Gere
20. Dolly Parton….no UMR page
21. Robert DeNiro
22. Chuck Norris
23. Kevin Bacon
24. George Burns….no UMR page
25. Dustin Hoffman

(Visited 1 times)

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