2021 Worst Movies

As I write this, I have seen 589 movies in 2021.  Of those 589 movies, I have seen 124 movies that were released in 2021 in North America. This is my personal Top 10 worst movies of the films released in 2021 that I have seen.  Imagine that on this website a list that does not use statistics.  The following 10 movies are listed in alphabetical order. One final note: I excluded low budget bad movies, and picked bigger budgeted movies.  If only to keep this from being a heavy loaded Bruce Willis page.

The Boss Baby 2: Family Business (2021)

I thought the first Boss Baby movie was cute. I saw that one in theaters. When I saw the trailer for this one, I was not too impressed. Luckily, I was able to avoid seeing this one in theaters. This sequel is not very good. It seems like it was a “money grab” only. The story is dull, the animation is ok, and the “big set piece” scenes are pretty boring. Final thought: Not a very good sequel. Not as bad as The Whole Ten Yards….but bad.

F9: The Fast Saga (2021)

This one is just dumb from the first scene to the weak ending. The story is boring, the action scenes are boring, the dialogue is painful to listen to and the actors seem bored. Final thought: Brutally bad…avoid this one.

Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard (2021)

I actually liked the original. I really disliked this sequel. I find that sad, as I really like the cast. The main problem I have with the movie, is what they did with the Ryan Reynolds character. In this one he is just a punching bag. All the humor revolves around….let’s run him over with a car or let’s shoot him in the chest so he goes flying back. He gets knocked out or drugged so much in the movie that I think his character is actually unconscious for a third of the movie.  As for the plot….pretty dumb. As for the villain… Antonio Banderas is boring to watch. As for Morgan Freeman…..one of his worst roles in his long history. Normally, Freeman makes every movie better…in this case his part makes the movie even worse…and that is saying something. The only fun part of the movie is the banter between Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson….but that rarely happens in the movie.  Final thought: A very disappointing misfire.

Matrix: Resurrection (2021)

My Matrix rundown. Loved the original. I thought the second one was ok. I did not like the third one…as it seemed to be all special effects with a limited story. Now…I have seen the 4th part. So, what did I think?

The good stuff. Ok…I was glad to see Neo and Trinity again. I thought Neil Patrick Harris was very good in the movie. The second half of the movie was much better than the first part.  The bad stuff. I was not too impressed with this one. The movie looked off….as the cinematography looked so different than the other movies. The first half of the movie was pretty much a repeat of the first Matrix movie….that seemed unnecessary and boring. The fight scenes were also pretty boring and non-suspenseful ..even though they were well done. Most of the new cast members (excluding NPH) were ok at best. They were not memorable at all. The finale, which pushed Neo to the background went out with a whimper versus a bang.

I missed having Hugo Weaving and Laurence Fishburne in the movie. Still having their characters in the movie was even worse, as it constantly took me out of the movie. I kept thinking about Hugo and Larry whenever the new Agent Smith and the new Morpheus appeared on screen. And now to my biggest complaint……movie seems to be more interested in setting up a new trilogy versus making a good movie. When the movie went off, it seems to assume we will all want parts 5 and 6. I was thinking, I hope they do not make anymore.

Peter Rabbit 2 (2021)

I sort of liked the original movie. I really did not like this one at all. This one is just dumb throughout the movie. Maybe small children will love this one, but that is about the only people that will enjoy this one. I love Domhnall Gleeson, but even he struggles in this one. Final thought: A terrible sequel.

Snake Eyes (2021)

Ok, I admit I am not really up to date on the world of G.I. Joe. So having acknowledged that, I have have to say this movie really bored me. Heck, I kept dozing off while watching it. The action scenes bored me. The story seemed very clunky. I like Henry Golding the actor, but I did not really like his Snake Eyes. So what was good about the movie? It does look pretty good. Final thought: A misfire.

Space Jam 2: A New Legacy (2021)

How does one review Space Jam: A New Legacy? From an adult’s eyes or from a child’s eyes? Adults, unless you are a LeBron James fan, will not like this movie. Children,will like it more, but I suspect many of the Warner Brothers references will fly right over their heads. LeBron who I thought did an awesome acting job in Trainwreck does not fare as well here. Don Cheadle is completely over the top in this one….which wore me out quickly. The animation is ok….but I never felt connected to the server world we sent so much time in. There are some jokes or references that I liked….but those were few and far between. Final thought: This one is not very good.

Sweet Girl (2021)

The first half of the movie was not too bad. The second half was pretty bad. There is a plot twist late in the movie that makes the movie completely fall apart. That twist is one of the dumbest I have ever watched. Final thought: Another misfire that ended up as a Netflix original movie.

Thunder Force (2021)

Ok…..I have not liked many Melissa McCarthy movies. I did enjoy Spy and her dramatic turn in Can You Ever Forgive Me? I thought Identity Thief was ok. So knowing Jason Bateman was also in this one, I thought maybe it would be at least ok. Sadly, that was not the case. In this one McCarthy and Octavia Spencer play superheroes taking on some villains. There are a couple of decent moments in this one, but they are few and far between. This was at times a difficult movie to watch. There is a running joke about raw chicken that I did not find funny at all, and actually made me want to turn the movie off. Final thought: Another misfire for McCarthy. I suspect her days as a leading lady are quickly coming to an end.

Tom and Jerry (2021)

Tom and Jerry get their very own movie. This pretty basic movie revolves around Tom and Jerry and a hotel that’s hosting a big celebrity wedding. There is almost nothing original in the entire movie. The animation is ok. The merging of the animation and live action is ok at best. The story is pretty dumb. The actors look slightly embarrassed. These makes Alvin and the Chipmunks look good. Final thought: Unless you are younger than 10, you should avoid this one.

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2 thoughts on “2021 Worst Movies

    1. Hey Kevin….thanks for stopping by…..I would say the new Matrix is a love/hate thing for movie goers….as it seems people either love it or hate it….I was not too happy with it….but I respect that you liked it more. Good stuff.

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