Let’s see in 2013….I decided to watch as many movies as I could….end result…I watched 1,418 movies.
In 2014…I decided I wanted to see if I could watch at least one movie every day for the entire year. Mission accomplished…and I again crossed 1,000 movies watched for the year.
I pretty much behaved myself in 2015….though I still watched over 700 movies.
Which gets us to 2016. Beyond my backyard is a 9.5 acre park. When we first moved here (in 2014)….we found some snakes and a possum right behind the fence that separates our yard from the park. Well I went out there and cut that tall grass in hopes of keeping the critters away from the house. As I was standing in that park….I thought….I could hit some golf balls out here….especially if the grass was shorter.
So I started my push lawnmower and cut a small path through the park. Well by the end of the summer of 2014 I had created a nice little chipping area in that park. When the summer of 2015 came around…I started thinking….maybe a little putting green area would go nicely with my chipping area. By the end of the summer…I had made 3 golf holes in that park…..complete with a tee area, a fairway and a green. So at the start of summer of 2016, I figured I would take a cue for the Lorax….and I figured I “keep on biggering and biggering”. Now our Ultimate Movie Rankings golf course has 9 Par 3 holes. And with the help of a friend and his drone….we can bring you some pictures of my homemade golf course.

Well that is a tour of the Ultimate Movie Rankings golf course….it might not be the prettiest golf course…..but the free green fees can’t be beat!

Sorry to hear this news. On the good side at least you did not get arrested.
Hey Helakoski…..I agree that was a good thing….it would be hard to get new pages done if I was behind bars…lol.
Sad day! The Cogerson Golf Course is now closed. Apparently I was in violation of 3 city ordinances that are subject to three years in prison. So since I do not want to go to jail the Course is now closed. I will miss playing there but it was a good 4 year run.
Thanks Paul….I spend many an afternoon out there.