November 12th – Our Arrival Movie Review

posterfix-449x700Why I watched this one? Three reasons: (1) Trailer looked interesting. (2) Reviews were awesome and (3) Got a crush on Amy Adams.

What is this one about? A linguist (Adams) is recruited by the military to assist in translating alien communications.

My thoughts on this one? Falls in the same category as Children of Men…which in my mind is very high praise…as this is a thinking person’s science fiction movie. If you are expecting Star Wars type action you will be disappointed. The story is very interesting…the acting is top notch…and I loved some of the twists and turns in the movie.

Saw the movie with my wife…and she loved it….and she is actually going back tomorrow to see it again. In all my years of marriage….and all of our movie dates….this is the first time this has ever happened. Her review is obviously 5 stars! My only complaint…and it is a small one….is that I thought the movie dragged a little in the middle. Final thought: A movie worth checking out.

Ranked 10th of 26 movies on my Amy Adams Movie Ranking Page.

Final final thought: Movie seems to have been heavily influenced by Kurt Vonnegut’s classic novel….Slaughterhouse Five. Anybody else see that as well?

(Visited 94 times)

2 thoughts on “November 12th – Our Arrival Movie Review”

  1. Hey Steve….I think you will like it…..just don’t expect any science fiction fire works. When the movie ended…I turned to WoC and asked…”When are the aliens going to try and eat the humans?” I think it is one quarter Independence Day, one quarter Slaughter House Five, one quarter The Abyss and one quarter Sphere. The final part of the movie goes in an unusual direction….but unlike Interstellar…..I gladly went with the big twist. Thanks for checking out my Arrival review.

  2. Hi Bruce, I’m interested in Arrival, but I’ll probably wait for the blu-ray. Good to know you and WoC enjoyed it. I’ve heard about the big twist at the end. I’m trying to stay away from spoilers but it’s not easy. You mentioning Slaughterhouse Five has me thinking it has something to do with… I’ll say no more. 🙂

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