12 thoughts on “February 27th – All Our Oscar Pages Have New Winners – Unless They Changed Their Minds Again”

  1. Hi

    Just when you think everything is going really well, something happens that becomes more memorable than the movies they’re supposed to be celebrating. The cock up last night is a PR disaster for the Academy, especially after the fuss they always make about the security and seal envelopes and only two people knowing the results etc.
    I didn’t think LaLa Land was that fantastic but you can’t help but feel sorry for the producers. They put so much into a work. I also felt for Warren Beatty, who clearly looked confused when opening the envelope. I’m glad he clarified himself afterwards. But at the end of the day, does it really matter, the world hasn’t ended.
    And once again, a movie that hardly any of the general public has seen, wins best picture. If they keep going like this, the whole Academy will become irrelevant. Surely there should be a balance between reflecting critics AND the public. Nevertheless, it was great T.V.

    1. Cogerson & interested parties

      Putin switched the envelopes.

      The Russians are even trying to make Hollywood look bad.

      But seriously, Hollywood is getting so much into politics it is like they are becoming Washington D. C. And to prove they are just like Washington, they proved they can screw up anything.

      1. JOHN
        1 Do you think that the Cogerson site is now also trying to compete with the politicians by screwing up for example the casting of Samson and Delilah?.

        2 Seriously though whilst it was apparently not Beatty’s fault that he got the wrong envelope
        the debacle to which you refer was not helped by having him at the centre of it to begin with as I have heard others commenting that he looked dreadful as if for example he was on drugs or had had too much to drink.

        1. Bob

          I haven’t read the post you are relentlessly referring to, but I gather Cogerson had Angela Lansbury mixed up with Hedy Lamarr as the actress who played Delilah. I think you are being too harsh on Cogerson. That mistake was just one of those things. But if he credits Victor Mature with playing Delilah, that is a bad sign.

          On Beatty, I thought he looked all right. He is about 80, after all. Faye looked a lot worse, like she just crawled out of the coffin after a bad job of embalming.

          “had too much to drink”
          Perhaps. Beatty is not that used to performing live, so he might have taken a couple of snorts to settle his nerves. As I am well aware, us old geezers have to be careful about that. The old body just isn’t what it used to be concerning holding one’s liquor.

          1. JOHN

            Bruce could correct matters by doing a Lansbury page and giving Hedy credit for some of Angela’s roles. For now though I am waiting with baited breath to see what direction it takes in the Hedy Lamarr page that Bruce has promised us.

          2. Hey Bob and John….when it comes down to picking the co-stars….if they do not have a UMR page….then I pick the most famous to me co-star….in that case I picked Angela Lansbury ….who is an actress that fascinates me….she is still performing on stage….61 years after her first Oscar nomination…..that motivated me to include versus the higher billed Lamar.

            As for the jokes…I can handle them….there has always been a healthy dose of picking here….so my feathers are not ruffled at all….mainly because I always know I can listed Ms. Lansbury as Marlon’s co-star on every movie on his page…lol.

            I am sure a Hedy and an Angela page are coming in the future.

      2. Hey John….we can blame Russia or Trump……lol. I am sure the star struck guy that was responsible with handing out the right envelopes had nothing to do with it….lol.

        I agree all the political stuff is very disappointing….seems that is what gave Moonlight the big prize. So far I have seen 6 of the Best Picture Nominees….and Moonlight was my least favorite of the group….and is now on my personal Bottom 5 of Best Picture Oscar winners. In my mind. Hell or High Water or Hidden Figures were the two most deserving. La La Land’s slight story did not help it all.

        Thanks for the comment and visit.

    2. Hey Chris…..I am right there with you about the La La Land producers. They heard their name, they got their Oscars, many did their speeches and then they take it all away…..so cruel.

      Not thinking many will remember Moonlight in 20 years…seems the final winner was a movie that made the Academy feel better about themselves.

      I also agree with you 100%…,what a great television moment.

  2. What a shambles that was. The glory days of the Oscar Awards are long gone, now it just consists of long boring speeches and PC voting.

    1. Hey Steve. I am amazed how the accounting firm threw their partner under the bus. Seems he was too bust tweeting and taking pictures to hand out the right envelopes. Will go down in history as one the most memorable Oscar moments ever. Parts were very boring as you said.. but it ended with a bang!

      1. Not the best Oscar show by a long shot but thanks to that blunder it has found it’s place in Oscar history. One of the news sites had a close up of the envelope Warren Beatty was holding and it clearly had the words Emma Stone -Best Actress Winner, no wonder the poor guy looked confused.

        1. Hey Steve…I agree with your comment 100%. An Oscar moment that will be talked about for the next 100 years.

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