3 thoughts on “May 13th – Newest Page – Top Stars of the 1950s”

  1. Bob and Steve should like this one….as their favorites sit on top of the lists.

    1. Cogerson

      I would like to try to guess who ends up being the stars of the decade for the fifties. I figure Marlon Brando among the men and as the overall star of the decade. Of the actors, I expect William ;Holden, James Stewart, and Charlton Heston to be in the hunt. John Wayne will have his usual solid but not quite at the top performance. James Dean, of course, will be spectacular on the various averages if he qualifies with only three starring roles.
      Of the actresses, I think Elizabeth Taylor will win. Marilyn Monroe would my pick as the female star of the decade, but I think her impact outpaces her statistical performance. Doris Day and Grace Kelly should be high. Deborah Kerr will be the 1950’s version of Teresa Wright. The pro actress in a lot of good movies but not the first one thought of as a big star.
      I can’t think of anyone who would fill the Joseph Cotten (I hope I got that right) role for this decade. I think the highest rated folks will be rather obvious.
      I thought I would put my head on the chopping block before the posting so my head will roll if I’m wrong.

      1. Hey John….for the most part your guesses were right on the mark. Good job. I am impressed with your movie knowledge.

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