9 thoughts on “May 13th – Watching WoC get her Masters Degree From William and Mary”

  1. Cogerson and WoC

    A college whose students have included George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Tyler, John Marshall, and Henry Clay, gets another distinguished degree earner.


    1. Hey John….yep William and Mary can claim 4 U.S. Presidents, Oscar winner Glenn Close, character actor Scott Glenn, former Daily Show host Jon Stewart, Patton Oswalt, James Comey (he seems very famous right now) and many many others….and now WoC is part of that alumni….thanks for the kind words….we greatly appreciate it.

    1. Thanks Flora…..a long hard process came to an end today. She says thank you.

  2. Congrats Debbie, Bride of… I mean Wife of… Cogerson. The brains of the family. 🙂

    1. Hey Steve….she is indeed the brains of our team. Very proud of WoC….she did a lot of juggling of many balls over the last 3.5 years. Thanks for the congrats.

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