May 15th – Rest in Peace Powers Boothe

Sad news: Powers Boothe passed away yesterday.  He starred in two movies (Tombstone & Sin City) I watch on a regular basis… two movies that fall into my guilty pleasure movies (Southern Comfort & Red Dawn).  Rest in Peace.


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5 thoughts on “May 15th – Rest in Peace Powers Boothe”

  1. STEVE

    1 I liked Powers though he never became a Great. He may not have had the personality which suited driving chariots, rowing slave galleys, carrying large tablets about or brandishing a rod above his head!

    2 When they were both young I though he looked a bit like Kevin McCarthy [Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1956] – No?

    1. Hey Bob….I agree with Steve….a slight resemblance to McCarthy.

      He was a good supporting character and will be missed.

    1. Hey Steve…yep he was also good in both of those movies. Have not seen Emerald Forest in years.

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