June 2nd – Family Day on Parris Island with a few movie shout outs.

We came to claim our Marine.   Alex had just spent 13 fun filled weeks  at Marine Boot Camp on Parris Island

So where is Parris Island?  Right near the bottom of South Carolina.  Movies filmed around here? The Great Santani, The Big Chill, Forrest Gump, The Prince of Tides and Platoon just to name a few.

One of Alex’s final tasks was to run around the base one more time at 6:30 in the morning…only this time with friends and family on the street to encourage them. It was like playing Where’s Waldo as close to 500 Marines ran by us.

WoC tried to make it easy to spot us with this very long banner.  At one point we had 11 people holding the banner.  Mission accomplished as Alex easily saw us.

On their second pass we saw him.  Give Samantha our 10 year old credit for getting this photo.  He is the one front and center.

After the run and a short ceremony….we actually got 4 hours to hang out with our Marine.

With our new Marine…that gives our family an Army man, a Navy man, two Air Men (one could not make it) and a Marine.

This was Stanley Kubrick’s Parris Island Marine barracks in Full Metal Jacket.  Filmed in England in case you did not know.

This is what the real Parris Island Marine barracks look like.

Our four hours went by quick….but we did get Alex time with things he had not had since March:  His cell phone, Coke, pizza and ice cream.  Our final Alex photo of the day was in front of the Iwo Jima statue….you know the one in John Wayne’s Sands of Iwo Jima.

So with Alex practicing for tomorrow’s graduation….we headed back to the hotel.  Sam and Emily fell asleep about three minutes into the trip back.  I guess they can’t handle those Marine early wake up hours…..but truth be told we took a nap at hotel too.


(Visited 203 times)

11 thoughts on “June 2nd – Family Day on Parris Island with a few movie shout outs.”

    1. I give up….now the pictures are straight on laptop computers and Galaxy devices but sideways on Apple devices. Not sure what the hell is going on.

  1. Cogerson

    Congratulations to the graduate. I remember my own family day but in the army, not the marines. All the best to the graduate.

  2. Bruce, all looks good to me. Congratulations to Alex and your family! Photo of girls asleep in the car is super cute.

    1. Hey Phil. Thank you. I am sure if the pictures were straight earlier they are now sideways. Family day wiped out my 10 and 8 year olds.

  3. Ok apparently if you are looking at this post on an iPad or tablet or a iPhone the pictures are straight. If you are looking at the post on a computer most of the pictures are sideways. For that I apologize.

    My first attempt of trying to update the page mobily has to be considered a failure. Maybe you secretly wanted to do some neck exercises.

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