One thought on “March 9th – Newest Page – Agnes Moorehead Movies”

  1. 1 Great versatile supporting actress and one of the mainstays of the Hudson/Wyman weepies Magnificent Obsession and All that Heaven Allows though more in the former than the latter. Accordingly it surprises me that in his lead-in Bruce conversely highlights “Heaven” and ignores “Obsession”.

    2 Despite the higher Cogerson Review rating for Heaven [deservedly now regarded as a classic depiction of social attitudes and morals of the 1950s] Agnes’ Nurse Nancy Ashford in Obsession was larger and much more central to the plot than Sara Warren in Heaven and I thought demanded more of Agnes’ great acting skills. I have seen both so many times that as an authority on the two flicks I think that I am now entitled to regard my self as a “Joel” – though by my own reckoning that’s maybe not saying a lot!

    3 However the selection of the two miniature black and white stills from Amberson and Kane compensate for the Obsession lead-in reference omission as they are for me nostalgically classy. Good stuff in Possibly Interesting Facts as well

    4 Congratulation anyway to this site for again demonstrating its broad approach in giving due recognition to a performer who though of no great personal direct box office worth was nevertheless essential to the quality of the production lines of old Hollywood. Certainly as my Joan was Agnes’ fave actress [which I never hitherto knew] I have to come on board and give this new Agnes page a Lensman “Vote up”

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