5 thoughts on “April 2nd – Steve’s Epic Cary Grant You Tube Video”

  1. Hi Bruce, Cary Grant and a dancing caterpillar? I had to check to see if it was still April 1st. 🙂

    That movie didn’t make the final cut but I did include Once Upon a Honeymoon which contains Ginger Rogers in place of a caterpillar.

    Thanks again for the review and share!

      1. Hi Bruce, One Froggy Evening is a fantastic WB cartoon. I have it on blu-ray in a Looney Tunes box set. Chuck Jones was one of the greats.

        1. Well now you know the rest of the story……and how a Cary Grant movie was the influence in getting it made. I was watching the movie when it occurred to me that the story seemed familiar…..a quick Wiki search and I saw

          ‘In this cartoon, partly inspired by a 1944 Cary Grant film entitled Once Upon a Time, Michigan is a male frog who wears a top hat, carries a cane, sings pop music, ragtime”

          A good piece of useless trivia….which is my favorite trivia.

  2. The Top 20….#20 My Favorite Wife….one of my favorite Grant movies #19 Monkey Business….it is a classic…but I do not really like it #18 Topper…his first leading man hit #17 I’m No Angel…West shines #16 Operation Petticoat…fun movie…rewatch regulary #15 To Catch A Thief….3rd favorite Grant/Hitch movie #14 Talk of the Town…better on second viewing #13 An Affair To Remember….what an ending #12 Holiday….gets better with each new viewing #11 Suspicion…I want to see Hitch’s original ending….Grant is a killer #10 Arsenic and Old Lace…classic comedy…supporting roles are awesome #9 The Awful Truth…fun movie…his first comedy masterpiece #8 Gunga Din…one of my dad’s favorite movies #7 Charade….in my Top 5 Grant movies #6 Only Angels Have Wings….the first movie watched in my current house…I was putting up DVDs as I watched this one #5 His Girl Friday….one of the few times that Grant got to lead the comedy action….versus reacting to the situations #4 Notorious…he and Bergman are amazing together #3 Bringing Up Baby…the movie that turned me into a Grant fan….never even considered watching classic movies until stumbling across this one #2 The Philadelphia Story…over time this has become one of my favorite Grant movies…did not like it the first time I saw it. #1 North By Northwest…never seen it….actually never even heard of it….lol. So that is 50 Grant movies seen. Only missing 2 from this list. I recently saw Once Upon A Time…which stars Grant and a dancing caterpillar…..it was better than I thought it was going to be…..but did not crack your Top 52…..voted up and shared.

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