3 thoughts on “August 4th – Check Out Steve’s Updated Barbra Streisand You Tube Video”

  1. Seen 14 of these movies. Her 1970 movie career was very impressive….lots of box office glory…Oscar love. Surprising that she did not make more movies….as 19 movies in 50 plus years is not a huge amount. Favorites include #2 What’s Up Doc and #12 For Pete’s Sake. I have not seen #4 Hello Dolly. I thought the Fockers movies were ok at best….but still seeing DeNiro, Hoffman and Babs is fun. No matter what you think about Ms. Streisand…..it is far to say her fans are some of the most loyal ones out there. Voted up and shared as our post of the day.

    1. Hi Bruce, 14 out of 19 is impressive, you must be a closet Streisand Fan!
      You beat Flora too, her tally was 10, mine was 4. Bob Roy has seen all of these over and over, probably listening to The Way We Was right now. 😉

      Thanks for the comment, vote, share and post of the day, much appreciated.

      1. Hey Steve….well growing up Babs was pretty big in my house…if my dad gave me war movies my mom gave me Babs….she loved..and still loves her music. Back in the 1970s….a Streisand movie playing on network tv was a big event….sure I saw many of her movies that way. Good stuff.

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