2 thoughts on “January 10th – Steve’s Latest You Tube Video – Peggy Cummins Movies”

  1. Hi Bruce, I’ve only seen 2 too – Hell Drivers and Night of the Demon. Flora has seen 4.

    Night of the Demon is one of my all time favorite horror movies so I was glad to see it topping one of my videos.

    But Gun Crazy is her most notorious film and I’m very curious to see it. Thanks for the vote, share and comment, much appreciated.

  2. Peggy Cummins? I was thinking I did not know who she was….but then I saw the poster for Gun Crazy…..and I remembered her. I discovered her from the Danny Peary Cult Movie books…as he lists Gun Crazy as one of her movies…..the only other Peggy movie I have seen is Night of the Demon…which is another movie listed in Peary’s books. So…seen 2 of her movies….they are ranked 1st and 2nd….and both are cult classics. Not too bad for her. Seeing all the posters with so many “known” stars was interesting. Voted up….and made our “Post of the Day” at UMR.

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