March 10th – 4 Cogerson Birthdays Today

Cogerson….me… somehow 52 years old today… did this happen so quickly.

SoC1 (Son of Cogerson 1)….also known as Bryan is….shockingly…..31 years old today.

DoC1 (Daughter of Cogerson 1)….also known as Katelyn……is now a quarter of a century old.

Goldie….our dog….would have been 14 today…..this is our first March 10th without her in a long long time….but could not do this post without giving her a shout out.

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2 thoughts on “March 10th – 4 Cogerson Birthdays Today”

  1. Hey Flora…thanks for the birthday wishes. Hope your mom has a great birthday weekend next weekend. Happy belated birthday to you.

  2. Happy birthday to Bruce, Bryan, and Katelyn. My Mom’s birthday is on Saturday. I had my birthday in February. I turned 43.

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