We now have a hardcopy version available as well as the paperback.
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9 thoughts on “August 30th – Our 4th UMR Book Is Now Available”
Sounds fascinating, Bruce. I am interested to know how many of the top 50 movies by year I have seen. Congratulations.
Hey Flora…. I think you would enjoy the book……it took about a month to put the book together…but over a decade to research the book.
Book 1 & 2 I got in paperback, 3 in Kindle. Book 4 (paperback) is arriving by September 6 per Amazon.
Thanks for buying all the books……I hope the Kindle Book was not too bad….a teacher friend bought a version of that…and it did not look very impressive….nothing like I wrote…..I have seen deleted the link to it, because it turned out so bad. Once again, thanks for all the support. The proceeds from the book sales go right back into UMR. thanks again.
The order has just been placed through Amazon. 🙂
Thank you Anonymous….I hope you enjoy the book….any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for flagging-up that Big Boy.
As I have said, because of new systems under the Brexit project which applies to the whole of the United Kingdom including Northern Ireland, for some reason we in Northern Ireland can’t get some supplies direct from the US that England still can. Maybe it’s something to do with US once being an English colony – ie your forefathers were the subjects -maybe even slaves – of those of Steve!
Accordingly as I did with Book 3 I will have to get my son in London to act as my postbox which means that it will be a few weeks before the new book is actually in my hands when I will duly let you have my comments on your latest brainchild-impartial and carefully thought-out as always with credit going to those that most deserve it. Sadly that probably leaves out anything with The Thin Woman in it.
In the meantime whilst others will probably let you have comments, you will know that mine are like in the case of the man with the wheelbarrow: they are all in front of you; and as that old saying goes the best wine has been saved for the last. True I have gotten in the first comment about the book but as Bob Dylan sang “The first one now will later be last.”
In the meantime move over Hirsch – there’s a new kid on the block who is even more prolific in churning out movie books than you were – THIS SITE’s David Shipman in fact!
Hey Bob……thanks for buying the book….sorry you have to jump through so many hoops to get it. At one point a classic movie star book…which would have been a companion to Book 2…Rating Today’s Movie Stars ….got dropped when we got Co-Vid this summer…..but feel good that will be the subject of next year’s book. Gotta figure out a way to get Ms. Loy in the book….though she is well represented in Book 4. Lots of classic references in your comment…you are the man.
HI O MAGNIFICENT ONE! Thanks for your kind comments – and now for some good news! It seems that somebody must have had a word in the ear of the suppliers and told them that “these Cogerson books are written by a Yank -or at least a part Canuck/part Yank –
and if you mess about with citizens of a super-power you will find out that as Jack Nicholson expressed it in 1992’s A Few Good Men when Tom Cruise was trying to get him to confess his breaking of the military rules ‘Mister you’ve ****** with the wrong marine!’ ”
In short: supplies of your books are now coming direct to Northern Ireland and mine will arrive from Amazon this Saturday. So, Big Boy, clear your desk and empty your diary for the weekend and get ready for some hard-hitting constructive comment!! Boy is it gonna be fun from this Saturday!
TOTALLY IRRELEVANT COMMENTS: Talking about Nicholson you have an excellent “versus” series [eg Crawford vs Davis and that ‘gerrymandered’ one Crawford vs Loy] and influenced by that series we regularly have “versus” podcasts in my Amateur Movie Buffs’ group.
This week it was Wayne vs Brando [for some reason both those names come up often in the Group-I wonder why?] and I happened to mention the real-life friendship between Nicholson and Brando [next-door neighbour Jack nursed Marlon during bouts of the latter’s illness for example] referring to their appearing together in 1976’s The Missouri Breaks.
It seems that you and I between us have inadvertently turned Joel Hirschhorse into a cult figure within my group; because when I pointed out that Brando was supposed to do a cameo in Jack’s 1990 sequel to Chinatown calle “The Two Jakes” but the cameo fell through, one of our smart-Alec members quipped “It’s a wonder Bob didn’t refer to that as the ‘two Joels”. Of course he doesn’t really know me: I never would associate Hirsch with even a film Brando DIDN’T make! but was initially signed for!
Incidentally the result of the versus competition was predictable: The Duke was deemed to quote yourself Bruce “a beast at the box office” and The Great Mumbler was judged better actor. I supposed that if they were still with us the two stars could have consoled themselves that their having to share victory only went to demonstrate the old cliché “you can’t win em all”.
Anyway here’s to Book 4 selling well. It’s obviously already attracting attention on this site.
Sounds fascinating, Bruce. I am interested to know how many of the top 50 movies by year I have seen. Congratulations.
Hey Flora…. I think you would enjoy the book……it took about a month to put the book together…but over a decade to research the book.
Book 1 & 2 I got in paperback, 3 in Kindle. Book 4 (paperback) is arriving by September 6 per Amazon.
Thanks for buying all the books……I hope the Kindle Book was not too bad….a teacher friend bought a version of that…and it did not look very impressive….nothing like I wrote…..I have seen deleted the link to it, because it turned out so bad. Once again, thanks for all the support. The proceeds from the book sales go right back into UMR. thanks again.
The order has just been placed through Amazon. 🙂
Thank you Anonymous….I hope you enjoy the book….any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for flagging-up that Big Boy.
As I have said, because of new systems under the Brexit project which applies to the whole of the United Kingdom including Northern Ireland, for some reason we in Northern Ireland can’t get some supplies direct from the US that England still can. Maybe it’s something to do with US once being an English colony – ie your forefathers were the subjects -maybe even slaves – of those of Steve!
Accordingly as I did with Book 3 I will have to get my son in London to act as my postbox which means that it will be a few weeks before the new book is actually in my hands when I will duly let you have my comments on your latest brainchild-impartial and carefully thought-out as always with credit going to those that most deserve it. Sadly that probably leaves out anything with The Thin Woman in it.
In the meantime whilst others will probably let you have comments, you will know that mine are like in the case of the man with the wheelbarrow: they are all in front of you; and as that old saying goes the best wine has been saved for the last. True I have gotten in the first comment about the book but as Bob Dylan sang “The first one now will later be last.”
In the meantime move over Hirsch – there’s a new kid on the block who is even more prolific in churning out movie books than you were – THIS SITE’s David Shipman in fact!
Hey Bob……thanks for buying the book….sorry you have to jump through so many hoops to get it. At one point a classic movie star book…which would have been a companion to Book 2…Rating Today’s Movie Stars ….got dropped when we got Co-Vid this summer…..but feel good that will be the subject of next year’s book. Gotta figure out a way to get Ms. Loy in the book….though she is well represented in Book 4. Lots of classic references in your comment…you are the man.
HI O MAGNIFICENT ONE! Thanks for your kind comments – and now for some good news! It seems that somebody must have had a word in the ear of the suppliers and told them that “these Cogerson books are written by a Yank -or at least a part Canuck/part Yank –
and if you mess about with citizens of a super-power you will find out that as Jack Nicholson expressed it in 1992’s A Few Good Men when Tom Cruise was trying to get him to confess his breaking of the military rules ‘Mister you’ve ****** with the wrong marine!’ ”
In short: supplies of your books are now coming direct to Northern Ireland and mine will arrive from Amazon this Saturday. So, Big Boy, clear your desk and empty your diary for the weekend and get ready for some hard-hitting constructive comment!! Boy is it gonna be fun from this Saturday!
TOTALLY IRRELEVANT COMMENTS: Talking about Nicholson you have an excellent “versus” series [eg Crawford vs Davis and that ‘gerrymandered’ one Crawford vs Loy] and influenced by that series we regularly have “versus” podcasts in my Amateur Movie Buffs’ group.
This week it was Wayne vs Brando [for some reason both those names come up often in the Group-I wonder why?] and I happened to mention the real-life friendship between Nicholson and Brando [next-door neighbour Jack nursed Marlon during bouts of the latter’s illness for example] referring to their appearing together in 1976’s The Missouri Breaks.
It seems that you and I between us have inadvertently turned Joel Hirschhorse into a cult figure within my group; because when I pointed out that Brando was supposed to do a cameo in Jack’s 1990 sequel to Chinatown calle “The Two Jakes” but the cameo fell through, one of our smart-Alec members quipped “It’s a wonder Bob didn’t refer to that as the ‘two Joels”. Of course he doesn’t really know me: I never would associate Hirsch with even a film Brando DIDN’T make! but was initially signed for!
Incidentally the result of the versus competition was predictable: The Duke was deemed to quote yourself Bruce “a beast at the box office” and The Great Mumbler was judged better actor. I supposed that if they were still with us the two stars could have consoled themselves that their having to share victory only went to demonstrate the old cliché “you can’t win em all”.
Anyway here’s to Book 4 selling well. It’s obviously already attracting attention on this site.