August 15th – Photos From A Recent Shopping Experience

So last weekend, WoC and I were roaming around Newport News, Virginia…when we drove by a place (The 10th Inning) that I visited regularly when I was a kid….almost 40 years ago.  It is in a new location….but has the same owner.

The 10th inning is packed with lots of collectibles.  All the times, I have been there….I have only concentrated on the sports side.  Well….WoC…..asked if they had any movie stuff.  Turns out they did.

How about a lobby card from 1947’s Love From a Stranger?  I thought of Lupino when I saw this one.

Or a mini poster of Charlton Heston’s Julius Caesar (1970)?  I thought of Manchester Sleven Maximus when I saw this one.

Or a mini poster of Peter Fonda’s The Hired Hand (1971)?  I thought of Flora when I saw this one.

When I was in grade school, I had a King Kong lunchbox……heck this might be my King Kong lunchbox….sorry picture is so weak…but Kong was about 10 feet in the air….that is the ceiling of the building at top of the picture.

So what did I walk out of the store with…..besides some unopened baseball cards from the 1980s?  A collectible from one of my favorite “Bad” Movies.

(Visited 1 times)

17 thoughts on “August 15th – Photos From A Recent Shopping Experience”

  1. That Julius Caesar poster looks nice Bruce, that was from the non-mumbling, full color version released in the early 70s. [Bob snarls]

    King Kong lunchbox is a collectors item.

    What was The Swarm in the picture? Lunchbox? Poster? Video? Board game?

    1. Hey Steve……the Julius Caesar and The Swarm are mini-posters….I am sure there is a better name for them…..but they are about a quarter the size of a regular poster. I agree the King Kong lunchbox is a collector’s item….it currently runs about 50 to 75 dollars on E-Bay. Thanks for checking out our “shopping page”.

  2. Yes! There’s DANGER in Love from a Stranger!
    What a silly tagline to promote a movie!!! No wonder it flopped badly at the box office. The producer went public back then saying that Hodiak and Sidney ain’t worth a dime at the box office any more…he MAY have put some money into promoting the movie instead of letting his secretary or mother in law come up with stuff like this 😉 Some trivia? This was a remake of a british movie starring Ann Harding and Basil Rathbone in 1937,based on a play that itself was based on a story by Agatha Christie. Hodiak received 100 000$ for his services while Sylvia only got 75 000$.
    Still, a great find, and I appreciate the photo as well as the thoughts. Isn’t it somehow quite fascinating that a guy visits a memorabilia shop in America and being reminded of people all over the world? Ah, the power of movies…

    1. Hey Lupino….I agree with you 100%….”fascinating that a guy visits a memorabilia shop in America and being reminded of people all over the world? Ah, the power of movies.”….yes indeed the power of movies. Good behind the scenes information on this Sidney movie. I wonder where that “lobby card” has traveled over the last 61 years…….and currently it’s final destination is a box in a very crowded store in Newport News. Good feedback.

  3. That looks like a awesome place to shop. 40 years in the sports card business is pretty impressive. My uncle had a hobby shop, he kept in going for 8 or 9 years. He said the last 3 or 4 years was very difficult to survive before he finally had to close the doors. Cool get on The Swarm swag.

    1. Hey SteinHoF16….you are so right….the owner of the 10th inning has almost been in busy for half a century….back in the early 1990s there were lots of card shops……..all but a few still exist. I like my The Swarm swag….WoC…though has no interest in it hanging up anywhere in the house….lol.


    The photos are great but I’m sulking in my tent.

    You didn’t think of ME too when you shot that Julius Caesar poster photo. Steve doesn’t have the monopoly of idolising Chuck you know!

    Also could you not see one of the version with America’s greatest classical orator actor in it? I know I’m greedy but it would have been pleasing to have shots of the posters for both versions.

    Still I suppose I’ll have to forgive you as you DID remember me when you saw that Audie book.

    Nice to see the Swarm poster with your idol and mine top-billed. Not one of Sir Maurice’s better offerings though.

    I have a relative who won’t let his wife shop on her own because he wants to control what she spends. I hop you’re not one of THOSE!

    1. Yeah, Cogerson. Dont control what your wife spends. Ignore all charges from the Apple store. And Amazon. They are irrelevant. These are not the expenses youre looking for…..

      1. Hey WoC….more Apple stuff?…..yeah….I felt we were getting low on Apple devices….we have to do our part so Apple can reach the 2 TRILLION mark……lol.

    2. Hey Bob…sorry I did not see any Brando stuff….but it did remind me of a 6 foot stand up Godfather I got from my video store days….I logged that around for years….attic to attic…my house to BERN1960’s house… some point I gave it away….or I through it away. Anyway…it was Brando and he was about 6 feet tall… used to scare people when they went in my parent’s garage….lol.

      Even though you got shut out on this shopping experience……you do have a shout out coming your way next week (I think)…..I got interviewed on a Podcast……and at one point I was mentioning how it amazes me that the readers are from all over the world…..I mentioned…Manchester, Paris, Canada, Germany and Belfast….I only got one name with the city…..Belfast Bob or Bob from Belfast…..I do not remember which.

      Good feedback…..but Steve has the Heston fandom in my head…lol.

      1. I think I have told before on this site the following story from the 1954 Movie Violent Saturday.

        Every Saturday afternoon the men of the town all go into the hills to shoot except Victor Mature a war vetran who not unnaturally had enough of firearms in the war so he stays at home with his family but is perceived as the town wimp.

        Lee Marvin and the bad guys choose a Saturday afternoon to rob the local bank as the men are all away, but of course Big Vic goes into “a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do” mode, gets a gun and takes out the baddies saving the town from probable bankruptcy.

        The movie ends with the sheriff saying to Mature “This town owes you a lot not just for saving their money but from now on a lot of the men will feel free to go shopping with their wives on Saturday afternoons instead of running about the hills like fools with guns.”

        In the 1991 movie Other people’s Money my hero Greg Peck and Piper Laurie are a couple who are lifelong staunch Democrats and whose idol is Harry Truman and quite often when they do something together one would ask the other “I wonder if Harry and Bess ever did that?” Now me, I wonder if Bruce W and Demi ever went shopping together.

        When I worked two workmates and I used to go out on Christmas eve from the office from about 1pm onward for Xmas break drinks. Two of us would stay at the pub until 5 but the 3rd would leave at around 3pm explaining he had to meet his wife for their Xmas shopping. Initially we considered him henpecked but ultimately found out that he was actually the one who cracked the whip in their relationship and being actually quite a skinflint he was with her to control her Xmas spending!

        1. Hey Bob….on your Violent Saturday story….very cool….it sounds like I should see that one.

          On your Christmas story… just never know what happens behind close doors.

          And on WoC…..all I can say is ….”Happy Wife,Happy Life”.

          More on WoC…..she is now Professor WoC….as she signed her contract to teach at University near us….a University that my dad attended many years ago…..proud of her. Not sure if she is Professor Cogerson, Professor of Cogerson, Professer Wife of Cogerson… matter her name….she is AWESOME!

      2. HI BRUCE

        Thanks for some excellent feedback here.

        Brando was about 5ft 9 in real life but he SHOULD have been 6 foot!

        Yes I accept Steve probably has the edge on me in being recognised as this site’s No 1 Chuck fan as Steve got in first.

        I greatly resent Steve’s status in that respect but I will state unequivocally that I don’t want to shoot Steve!.

  5. Thanks for sharing these photographs of movie collectibles. These are great. The poster of Peter Fonda’s The Hired Hand is fascinating. I haven’t seen that movie yet.

    I hope you enjoy your The Swarm album.

    1. I see from your answer to Steve that The Swarm is a mini-poster and not an album. Maybe you can find a place to hang it that W of C will not mind.

      1. Hey Flora…..sadly….the mini-poster is not in the best shape…’s 40 plus year life seems to have been in the hands of some not so careful people. So hanging it up….probably not be happening. I bet it ends up with my yearly Variety magazines.

    2. Hey Flora…..yep…thought of you as soon as the Hired Hand poster showed up. I have not seen it yet….but it is a my local library ..I will have to watch it in the near future. My Swarm swag has a place on desk…..not sure of it’s permanent home. Good feedback.

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