5 thoughts on “August 19th – Cogerson Is Back – And We Have Photos”

  1. O Wandering one,
    Parted from we who adore you.
    Warm and bright as the sun.
    We place no other before you.”

    As that other “Brucie” as he was known, Brit TV personality and stage variety performer Bruce Forsyth [1928-2017] always greeted his audiences with “Nice to see you! To see you, nice!”

    I’ve mentioned before how Martin Scorsese said that during Brando’s absences from the screen he, Martin, would sit and wonder where Marlon was, what The Great Mumbler was up to, and what he would have for us when ne next re-appeared. I’ve been busy having similar thoughts about you and one possibility that I considered was that you were bonding somewhere with In the Shadows who contributes to this site.

    In short: welcome back among your site’s commentariat.

    1. Hey Bob….thanks for the welcome back. Nope….no meetings with In the Shadows….but maybe one day I will get In The Shadows to come out in the sunshine….lol.

      O Wandering one,
      Parted from we who adore you.
      Warm and bright as the sun.
      We place no other before you.” – Good stuff.

      1. HI BRUCE

        Thanks for the response.

        By the way “Brucie” Forsyth whom I mentioned didn’t share just a Christian Name with you: he was also regarded as a prolific work horse who even at the age of 87, two years before his death, toured the United Kingdom with a variety show.

        As a demonstration of how well-respected he was the great Sammy Davis Jr teamed up with him in 1980 in a TV movie called Sammy and Bruce.

        1. Good stuff about Sammy and Brucie. All the power to the Bruces of the world…..Bruce Wayne, Bruce Banner, Bruce Springstein, Bruce Willis and Bruce Cogerson…lol.

  2. After traveling many many miles….Cogerson and WoC are back home. Since this was our last vacation before school starts…felt we should share some photos. A few are movie shout outs.

    Will start catching up on comments and Steve videos tomorrow.

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