August 29th-September 1st – Houston, We Have A Problem

Houston, we have a problem. After years of cautioning me, WoC (Wife of Cogerson) has been warning me for years that our movie database might eventually get too large. Well, it seems that after 13 years of entering over 30,000 movies, that time has finally come. On Tuesday night, while I was trying to figure out the difference between Brittany Snow and Brittany Murphy, I encountered an unexpected issue. As I was adding the final Brittany Murphy movie to her section in the database, a strange error message popped up. It mentioned something about not being able to open more databases.

Hitting the ceiling. Feeling like a scared kid, I immediately ran to our UMR VP of IT for help. WoC attempted some quick fixes, but soon realized this was going to require a major overhaul. “You’ve finally hit the ceiling,” she said.

So, what now? Great question, and one I can’t fully answer just yet. WoC is going to try and work some magic on the current database, but there’s also a more expensive alternative we could consider. We could just quit, but can you imagine if the crew in Apollo 13—Tom, Kevin, Bill, and the NASA geniuses—had just given up when they hit a problem? Quitting isn’t in the cards.

The Near Future: So, for now—and hopefully not for too long—we’re unable to update anything on the site. No new movies can be added, and we can’t fix any errors. We’re essentially dead in the water. We’re aiming to have this resolved before Beetlejuice 2 hits theaters. The more than 10,000 existing pages shouldn’t be affected. Sorry for the freeze, but we’re working hard to fix this as quickly as possible.

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4 thoughts on “August 29th-September 1st – Houston, We Have A Problem”

    1. Thanks Flora. We are going away for the weekend, Debbie is hoping to do some work as we drive to our destination. I knew this day was coming….just frustrated that it knocked out the database.

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