April 3rd – Check Out Our Doris Day Page on Her Birthday – Officially WoC’s birthday too!
Doris Day Movies
Doris Day Movies
Our Spam blocker stops about 10,000 spam messages a month. Recently the spammers out there have started making their spam look like real comments….which makes it real hard for our spam defense to stop them. Since the amount of spam messages getting through has greatly increased….we have had to change the setting that allowed a […]
Don Ameche Movies
So back in 1988 I came up with this list of movies of my favorite movies of all-time. I figured since I just reached a major birthday milestone….that it was time to update my list of favorite movies. Not finished yet….but felt I would share the current contenders to the make the list. Now I […]
Frances McDormand Movies
1943 Top Grossing Movies
Samuel L. Jackson Movies
Sylvia Sidney Movies
2017 UMR Actress Movie Tournament
2017 UMR Actress Movie Tournament