Barrington Movie Poster and Book Shop

This past weekend some of the Virginia Cogerson clan headed up to Haddonfield, New Jersey to see SoC1 (Son of Cogerson #1) and his family.   While up there, SoC1 told me about a movie store that he had yet to visit.  On Saturday afternoon, we visited the Barrington Movie Poster and Book Shop.

Half of our kids (3 of them) and all of her grandkids joined WoC and myself on our trip to the movie store.

Once we arrived, I was not disappointed.  An entire store devoted to movie posters and movie books…..pretty much heaven on Earth to a movie buff like myself.

The owners of the store….Carol and Ralph Secinaro

Some of the items found in the store:

  • Still photos
  • Movie programs
  • Pressbooks
  • Lobby cards
  • Insert posters
  • Half sheet posters
  • One sheet posters
  • Three sheet posters
  • Six sheet posters
  • Twenty-four sheet posters
  • Glass slides

Some of the posters that caught my eye

This Brooke Shields autographed The Blue Lagoon item is currently sitting on my desk as I type this caption.

Figured Bob would like this one.

We figure this will be a destination stop whenever we go and visit the grand kids.  Not going to be in New Jersey anytime soon?   Well…don’t worry….much of their material can be viewed on their online ebay store.  That link is   This is some of the best prices on the internet.

As we were looking for some photos of the store…we found this quick You Tube video by Cinemology 101.  The video does a good job of showing off the store.

(Visited 1 times)

8 thoughts on “Barrington Movie Poster and Book Shop

  1. HI BRUCE. When I saw the very top photo above I thought for a moment that I was looking at one of those stills or photos that were used to promote The Usual Suspects!

    I can understand the fascination as in my younger days, when I was told of a cinema that I had not previously known of I would walk miles just to stand and gaze at it without often going in. I well remember the first cinema that I ever visited like that: The Astoria cinema [now gone] in Belfast when I was 9 years of age in 1950. The movie showing that day was 1949’s Mighty Joel Young!

    Regarding The Fugitive Kind-
    1/One highly-respected British critic claimed that Brando gave his finest ever performance in it.

    2/It has always been considered a flop as critics generally didn’t like it and it was then [1960] the lowest grossing Brando film since he became a star in Streetcar. However a film statistician said on the radio that it actually made a “modest profit” and your adjusted US gross of $70.6 million is not inconsistent with that claim. Movies were a lot cheaper to make back then and as you show on your Bette Davis page her movies had an average adjusted US gross of just around $75 million

    3/Anna Magnani is reported to have gone into hysterical crying on the set because “Not only in my native Italy will he [Brando] let me have first billing!”

    4/It is slightly ironic the Joanne Woodward was Brando’s other co-star because on many occasions hubby Paul tried to get into a movie with Mr Mumbles but without success.

    Talking about “mom and pop” family operations, in the small village of Comber near me two brothers each own a tiny private cinema about 1 mile apart which they hire out for private functions. I celebrated my 65th birthday there. The movie was Casablanca. My family chose the film and my daughter wanted to hire Shane [Godpop would have been too long] but my son vetoed Shane because Ladd was in it. The brothers have won prizes for amateur films that they have made themselves.

    Anyway very interesting photographs. Give my compliments to the photographer (s)

    1. Hey Bob. Very nice comment. Interesting stories on Mighty Joe Young, your 65th birthday, Shane vs Casablanca and the brother’s movie theaters. Glad you like the photos. As for The Fugitive Kind,I admit I do not know much about that movie. Your breakdown of it’s profitability makes sense to me. 70 million is a decent total, but when compared to Brando’s other 1950s movies it looks disappointing. A Newman/Brando movie would have been nice….too bad it did not happen. Good stuff.

    1. Hey Taylor….glad you have a store like that in your area. Sadly my area does not….but since SoC#1 moved back to the East Coast we go to New Jersey pretty often….so I can visit this store more in the future. Good stuff.

    1. Hey Steve….the guy that put the video together bought lots of sci-fi posters…I thought of you when I watched the video. I can easily see you buying the same exact posters…..Dune for example. Thanks for the comment.

    1. Thanks Flora. I feel a kinship with the shop. They are a mom and pop operation like UMR. They love movies like UMR. They seem like good people…like UMR. Glad you like the O’Henry’s Full House poster. This is a place that really enjoys classic movies….it was so good to see a place of business that actually survives in this marketplace. Hope they last a very long time.

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