May 11th – Villains Villains…Need Help…..Need More Villains


So we are working on a Top 50 or Top 100 Movie Villain Page…..any suggestions?

(Visited 820 times)

13 thoughts on “May 11th – Villains Villains…Need Help…..Need More Villains”

  1. Congratulations, Bruce.

    Since I am not on Facebook, I could not see the video. But congratulations everyone. 🙂

    1. Hey Flora…..sorry you can not see the video……I will see if I can do the video another way.

  2. Hi, that was a wonderful and thrilling surprise. Thank you all for giving me this wonderful surprise. Another great grandchild will be more than welcome. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE SURPRISE AND THE WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY PARTY.

    1. Hey Bern1960. Glad you had a good time. Glad you liked your Alaska surprise.

    1. Thank you Helakoski….we have known the news for about a month now….but we wanted to give our “GreatGrandma” the news on her 80th birthday.

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