July 16th – Updated Our Stats Page – Now 7 Million Views
42 Million Views
42 Million Views
What these kids can do with iPads is amazing…..5 days of Myrtle Beach in less than 5 minutes….and 5 movie references to find.
I really did not like how this page turned out….it has been sitting at HubPages under the “non-published” sections for over 4 years. It is one of the few HubPages that never got moved to the new websites. It is brutal to look at….but shows how hopefully our pages have improved over the years. http://hubpages.com/entertainment/Battle-of-the-Movies-Originals-vs-Remakes-1925-to-2011
The Greer Garson page and the Burt Lancaster will be the last of the new material for a little bit. Headed to the golf capital of the USA….Myrtle Beach.
Sometime yesterday…..we crossed another million view mark…..thanks for all the support.
Greer Garson Movies
Burt Lancaster Movies
John Cusack Movies
My Dad And Steve McQueen
My Dad’s Top Five Movies