Cogerson Facts

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12 thoughts on “Cogerson Facts

  1. Fun to watch, thanks for sharing Bruce. I’m guessing that among all the formal employments, you enjoyed most the one of video store assistant manager?

    1. Hey PhilHoF17. Thanks for checking out our video. I loved working at the video store…mainly because I was able to check out 2 movies at a time….back then VHS tapes were about $100 a pop….so being able to rent them for free was an awesome perk. I used to get two tapes in the morning… them and get two more for the evening. That video store lasted almost 30 years….it just closed a couple of years ago…not a bad run at all. Thanks for the feedback.

    1. Hey Flora…..glad you liked our “jam-packed” video….it was fun to do. Added bonuses….it entertained my students too. Good stuff.

  2. I like it. Looks like you have had a wide variety of jobs. I assume you are not afraid of heights, if you did windows like that. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Fun fast moving video Bruce, maybe a little too fast, an extra couple of seconds on some of those pictures would have been nice. Proud husband, dad, moviebuff, website chief and an author too eh, nice work amigo. 🙂

    1. Hey Steve…..I agree it is a little fast….my students first assignment will be to create a power point presentation on something they like to do…..and it has to be done in 2 minutes or less… I had to speed my video up a little. Thanks for checking it out… was weird to see my life compressed into less than 2 minutes….lol.

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