David Fincher Movies

David Fincher has quietly become one of the most successful directors working today.
David Fincher has quietly become one of the most successful directors working today.

Want to know the best David Fincher movies?  How about the worst David Fincher movies?  Curious about David Fincher’s box office grosses or which David Fincher movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which David Fincher movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences and which ones got the worst reviews? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.

David Fincher (1962-) has been nominated two times for a Best Director Oscar®.  That is pretty impressive when you realize he has only directed 10 movies.  Fincher seems to be going with the thought process of “Quality vs Quantity”.  That thought process is working well for Fincher….as most of his movies have gotten stellar reviews and since 2008’s The Curious Case of Benjamin Button all of his movies have been box office hits.  

His IMDb page shows 26 directing credits from 1984-2015. This page will rank 10 David Fincher movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information. Television shows, shorts, videos and documentaries were not included in the rankings.

David Fincher's The Social Network is ranked as his best movie.
David Fincher’s The Social Network is ranked as his best movie.

David Fincher Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

David Fincher Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort by David Fincher movies by the stars of his movies.
  • Sort David Fincher movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort David Fincher movies by adjusted worldwide box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
  • Sort David Fincher movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each David Fincher movie received.
  • Sort David Fincher movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
  • Use the search and sort buttons to make this page very interactive.

Stats and Possibly Interesting Things From The Above David Fincher Table

  1. Seven David Fincher movies crossed the magical $100 million domestic gross mark.  That is a percentage of 70.00% of his movies listed. Se7en (1995) is his biggest hit.
  2. An average David Fincher movie grosses $117.30 million in adjusted box office gross.
  3. Using RottenTomatoes.com’s 60% fresh meter.  9 of David Fincher’s movies are rated as good movies…or 60.00% of his movies.  The Social Network (2010) is his highest rated movie while Alien 3 (1992) was his lowest rated movie.
  4. Seven David Fincher movies received at least one Oscar® nomination in any category…..or 70.00% of his movies.
  5. Three David Fincher movies won at least one Oscar® in any category…..or 30.00% of his movies.
  6. An average Ultimate Movie Ranking Score is 39.86.  10 David Fincher movies scored higher than that average….or 100.00% of his movies.  The Social Network (2010) got the the highest UMR Score while Alien 3 (1992) got the lowest UMR Score.
Edward Norton and Brad Pitt in 1999's Fight Club.
Edward Norton and Brad Pitt in 1999’s Fight Club.

Ok the elephant in the room. We can hear people all over the world screaming at their computers, I-Pads and smart phones…..”Fight Club ranked 8th of 10 Fincher movies?….are they out of their minds?…don’t they know that IMDb has Fight Club ranked 10th of ALL movies ever made?”  So even though the first and second rules of Fight Club are not to talk about Fight Club…I am choosing to break those rules and talk about Fight Club.

The rankings in this page are not personal preferences.  The rankings are based on the statistics a movie earned when the movie was in theaters.  There are three main statistical groups: box office grosses, reviews and awards.  Fight Club performed the best in the review category….but critics and audiences still rate Fight Club as Fincher’s 4th best movie.   When looking at the award category….Fight Club only earned one Oscar® nomination (sound effects) and no other major awards or nominations….sorry we do not think a MTV “Best Fight” nomination falls in the major awards category.  That gets us to box office grosses.  Of the 10 Fincher movies…Fight Club sits in 9th place….only Zodiac earned less money at the box office.

Put all of those stats together and you see 7 Fincher movies performed better statistically than Fight Club.  We like Fight Club and think it is a good movie….and a movie that begs for repeat viewings…..just statistically it is Fincher’s 8th best movie.  So invoking rule #7 of Fight Club…..”Fights will go on as long as they have to”…..we stand by our rankings and we are ready for challengers.

Check out David Fincher‘s career compared to current and classic actors.  Most 100 Million Dollar Movies of All-Time.

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12 thoughts on “David Fincher Movies

  1. I was only vaguely aware of Mr. Fincher. Looking at your movie list I am shocked that I have seen so many and enjoyed so many of his movies. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is one of my favorites. Social Network and Panic are two more great movies. I even liked his “darker” movies like Fight Club, Seven and Gone Girl. Rosamund Pike is mind blowing in that one. Thanks for showing me the light when it comes to David Fincher.

    1. Hey Sandy…..thanks for such a nice comment. Glad my page helped you realize how many movies Fincher has made and how many are ones you enjoyed. I agree 100% about Pike’s performance in Gone Girl. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  2. You, Antony, and MB54 are crazy. Fight Club is one of the best movies made in the last 30 years. Edward Norton has never been better. Pitt should have gotten a Academy Award for his performance. Hard to take the rankings serious when you got that one so wrong. Even The Game is higher rank. No f*cking way!

    1. Hey Yourinsane. I appreciate your comment…..but I stick with my rankings. As great as Fight Club it still struggled at the box office. I am sure the producers of the movie liked that the movie is beloved but I am also sure they wish the movie would have been profitable….making money is what makes Hollywood turn.

  3. Fight Club is popular, but the film isn’t very good. Seven is replusive and difficult to watch. I though The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was truly awful and easily his worst film. I liked Gone Girl so maybe there is hope. But right now I would put him in the overrated group of directors.

    1. Hey MB54…..glad you agree about my Fight Club ranking…..but I would not put Fincher in the overrated group. His movies mightbe dark….but so far they all are pretty good movies. I am sure one day he will be picking up a Best Director Oscar. Thanks for the comment.

  4. I like his movies but they are so dark that I find once is enough. I have no issues with Fight Club being down the list. So you have no fight with me.

    1. Hey Anthony…..I agree once is enough….pretty sure I have never seen any of his movies twice. I did listen to parts of all the DVD commentaries for Fight Club…that special edition is supposed to be one the best DVDs to own. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Oh jeez Bruce, Fight Club is all the way down there… oh wait there’s a whole explanation about that on the page, okay fair enough, still a shocker though. 😉
    Fight Club is not my favorite Fincher film but it is arguably his most famous film. I prefer the even more gloomy Seven and the least enjoyable Alien movie ever made, Alien 3.
    I’ve seen all 10 of the 10 films you’ve listed, do I win a prize or something? Social Network was good but not a film I watch often. I did watch Gone Girl again a few weeks ago. Benjamin Button is my least favorite of the 10, and the only one I haven’t bought on dvd or blu-ray.
    Good work Bruce, Colin Trevorrow next?

    1. Your prize for seeing all 10 Fincher movies is a used copy of Charlton Heston’s journals from 1951 to the mid 1970s…..it is an excellent read for all Heston fans….know any? I figured Fight Club would be an issue for all of those people that think it is the greatest movie ever. My reasoning will be totaled dismissed by them. I have seen all 10 movies too. Next up is either one of your all time favorites….Shirley Temple….lol…..or Mae West….with Walter Matthau being a long shot. As always thanks for the comment.

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