Want to know the best Donald Trump movies? How about the worst Donald Trump movies? Curious about Donald Trump box office grosses or which Donald Trump movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Donald Trump movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.
Donald Trump (1946-) is an American producer and actor, known for his television show, The Apprentice and his movie work in 2002’s Two Weeks Notice and 1992’s Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. Not to mention was elected President of the United States. His IMDB page shows 286 credits from 1981-2016. This page will rank 12 Donald Trump movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information. His many television appearances were not included in the rankings.

Donald Trump Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table
The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.
- Sort Donald Trump movies by co-stars of his movies
- Sort Donald Trump movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
- Sort Donald Trump movies by yearly domestic box office rank
- Sort Donald Trump movies how they were received by critics and audiences. 60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie
- Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Donald Trump movie received.
- Sort Donald Trump movies by Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Score. UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
Stats and Possibly Interesting Things From The Above Donald Trump Table
- Three Donald Trump movies crossed the magical $100 million domestic gross mark. That is a percentage of 25.00% of his movies listed. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) is his biggest box office hit.
- An average Donald Trump movie grosses $68.00 million in adjusted box office gross.
- Using RottenTomatoes.com’s 60% fresh meter. 3 Donald Trump movies are rated as good movies…or 25.00% of his movies. Snowden (2016) is his highest rated movie while Ghosts Can’t Do It (1990) is lowest rated movie.
- Zero Donald Trump movies received at least one Oscar® nomination in any category…..or 0.00% of his movies.
- Zero Donald Trump movies won at least one Oscar® in any category…..or 0.00% of his movies.
- An average Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Score is 40.00. 4 Donald Trump movies scored higher that average….or 33.33% of his movies. Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) got the the highest UMR Score while Ghosts Can’t Do It (1990) got the lowest UMR Score.
1 Bob Hope’s 1963 Critic’s Choice was a skit on SELF-censorship and in that one Bob plays a vitriolic Joel-type critic whose wife Lucy Ball writes a play and, lacking confidence and fearful of his reaction, pleads with him not to review it.
2 However he is a stubborn Bruce Cogerson type who insists that he must be impartial and it is his job to review her play. Accordingly he ploughs ahead and of course crucifies the play, so you can imagine the fireworks that subsequently flew
3 However more than half a century after watching that movie I see that the Hope character at last gets his own comeuppance because the film earns just a 50% rating from you on your Hope page.
4 As we wouldn’t want to see the Dynamic Duo of this site splitting up we must therefore all just keep our fingers crossed that W o C doesn’t make a movie. If she does here’s a hint for you. At the end of Critic’s Choice Bob Hope concludes that it would have been better all-round if he HADN’T reviewed his wife’s play.
Hey Bob….I have actually seen Critic’s Choice…..after the success of Facts of Life….Ball and Hope returned in this one…..which was not nearly successful. Seems I remember some trivia that this was one of the few times Hope acted drunk on screen….and that Hope hated doing that scene. I will be sure to avoid reviewing WoC’s play….I will Hugh Grant it…..like his character does in Florence Foster Jenkins…..lol.
1 Yes Critic’s Choice was at the tail end of his movie career when he probably should have taken Mr Mumbles’ advice and spent more time with his grandchildren rather than make movies like that one. Indeed some film historians reckon by the tome of the 1957 Beau James Hope’s heyday on the big screen was effectively over. I liked Beau James though about controversial New York mayor Mayor Jimmy Walker and his affair with showgirl Betty Compton [Vera Miles of Psycho]. One of Hope’s rare dramatic roles.
2 If you are right about your Anonymous pal he seems to like leaving your site so much that he hangs around so that he can keep departing. Kinda reminds me of (1) the cliche about the people who say “It’s easy to give up drinking – I do it all the time!” (2) the 1991 movie Once Around where Danny Aiello detests his waster/sponger son in law played by the wonderful Richard Dreyfus who makes a career out of freeloading at the Aiello residence in the flick. Danny bitterly confides to a friend “I always see him arriving, he never seems to be leaving.”.
3 Certainly for Missouri Breaks I won’t be nominating Mr Mumbles or his chum Nicholson
for that Cowboy of the Century award that Robert Taylor coveted and which caused Flora to get all steamed up because none of her idols were mentioned as contenders. Missouri Breaks demonstrates how you can team tow of the perceived greatest acting talents of their day along with a brilliant director [Arthur Penn of Bonnie and Clyde] and still come up wit a dud. Actually Penn didn’t seem to be able to tap the vein of gold that Mumbles could occasionally spin as The Chase in 1966 was also a big commercial and critical flop.
Hey Bob……I agree by the 1960s, Hope’s brand of humor had passed. He was still beloved…but time passed him by….some of his 1960s movies are brutal to watch.
As for Anonymous….I think Lupino pegged him correctly….a troll….that dropped that the comment on his first and last visit to the page
Good stuff on Missouri Breaks, Brando and Robert Taylor.
1 My own wider family is split down the middle about their affections for The Donald with for example two of my brothers adoring him and my son and daughter detesting him. It’s a rather unpleasant subject and I’m sure that apart from any further comments on Mr Trump’s actual movie “career” you will want it dropped.
3 However my daughter who as I say is no Trump lover disagrees with censorship and she asked me to say that she felt you handled matters in a very balanced way whereas others in your position might have been provoked into becoming counter-abusive. I told her that that your patience there was nothing compared to the diplomacy with which you have reacted to some of my taunts about Myrna/Joel and when I showed her a few of our exchanges we had a good laugh. Humour is better than getting oneself into a lather about this issue or that.
4 Anyway have a good weekend as you’ve more than earned it and don’t let Steve make you feel guilty about relaxing a bit – though not until you’ve read my post on your request page !!!
Hey Bob. I will admit when I first saw Anonymous’ comment…that I was unsure about how and if I should respond. Lupino’s comment saved us….lol. Trump is a lightening rod…there does not seem to be a middle ground. Glad your daughter liked the way we responded to it. Only on a few ocassions have we deleted a comment….and those were due to inappropriate language versus how dumb or how bad are page or rankings are. Thankfully the comments are back to movie talk and how bad the UMR score failed on our new Mirren page….that is so much more fun to talk about.
1 We don’t get involved in politics on this site and I will just say that regardless of politics I personally find Mr Trump’s STYLE offensive – and the same goes for some people of the opposite political persuasion to him – and I can appreciate that certain people and demographics would not find him as amusing as Steve Lensman finds him.
2 However this site is very clearly not organised by “racial bigots” and I think it was unfair of you to pose the question that you did. Indeed I would argue that the site has almost a duty to make its viewers aware of any contribution to movies by a public figure whatever the organisers’ personal views on the person concerned. Censorship of the kind you wish to see is usually associated with dictatorships and to profile Mr Trump’s involvement in movies can in no way be interpreted as being For or Against his politics.
2 In the 1966 movie Paul Scofield as Sir Thomas More said that he would uphold even bad laws because the law was in the end the only protection that HE had. Such considerations could be applied to your censorship suggestions because if someone didn’t agree with you and wished to censor you for your own views how could YOU expect.protection? whereas you like everyone else would deserve it not least because your heart is probably in the right place.
Hey Bob.
1. Great comment….you and Lupino phrased things so well.
2. I am beginning to think Anonymous was a one time commenter who had no plans to ever re-visit this site.
3. Generally we try and keep this site focused on movies….and keep a G rating…..so when I first read his comment….I went back and re-read the page to see what was so offensive. I guess Trump is such a lightening rod……it was only a matter of time before somebody complained at this page.
4. Love the quotes from A Man For All Seasons……thanks for providing another excellent view.