February 21st – R.I.P. IMDb Message Boards…..Sad Day!

Well…IMDb was not kidding….yesterday they shut down their message boards.  I knew it was going to happen…but today when I went there to get some theories on Sea of Trees (I watched it last night)…the message board for that and all other movies was gone.  This is double sad for me….first of all…..I went there all the time….to understand confusing parts in movies…..and their message boards were a Top 10 source for UMR views.  End of an era….I know I will continue to visit IMDb.com…..but this will greatly reduce my visits there.  So RIP IMDb message boards….you were a good friend for the last 16 years.


(Visited 121 times)

6 thoughts on “February 21st – R.I.P. IMDb Message Boards…..Sad Day!”

  1. Hi Bruce, even more sad for me to see it go as I was linking my videos on the message boards, that’s where I bumped into UMR’s Technicolor expert, John.

    Like you say those message boards came in very useful when seeking out quick info and discussions on movies, especially the latest films. Yes some of the trolling was hateful but some of the more extreme views on topics by members were hilarious and I remember posting samples on my forum years ago.

    A shame to see it go, it’s harder to find the specific info you want from the more sedate reviews on IMDB. It was better than a movie forum in that every noteworthy movie ever made had it’s own discussion board.

    1. Hey Steve…..sad sad sad. I love how they said according to their research…..nobody was going on the message boards…..but this mass exodus had gone to their Facebook and Twitter pages. So I went there….and all I saw was some fluff that they generated…versus content from their readers. If I went there 10 times a day before….I am thinking…..my visits will be dropping to 5 times a day now. It will still be a valuable source…..but if I was not researching these pages….I wonder what my views per day one be.

      Yep…those message boards created more than a few movie buff connections…well at least you and John still have a place to communicate….good old UMR.com. That is unless you keep ripping apart my calculations….and I have to drop the comment boxes too….lol.

  2. Sad day indeed! Still trying to figure out why this HAD to happen. Like you my visits will decrease as well.

    1. Hey SteinHOF….I think their main reason for shutting it down was because of the people that were trolling the boards….I found them easy to ignore….but I am sure many people complained….a lawyer told them it was best to just get rid of the board. Just sad…every way I look at it.

  3. Bruce, I know exactly how you feel!!! I visited the boards ever so often and was quite active posting there to talk to people who like me love Sidney, Darnell, Sullavan or even more “obscure” ones like Isabell Jewell. I also checked the boards whenever I thought I missed something in a movie or to try and clarify when I was uncertain about what I’ve thought I’ve seen…if you know what I mean. Last week I spent a lot of time there rereading some of my old posts and the replies toward them…and it made me really sad knowing this would be a thing of the past soon 🙁

    1. Hey Lupino….glad I am not the only one thinking this way. Sounds like you were there just as much as me. I wonder which site will pick up the slack. I will miss all of the ways people broke down movies. Just does not make sense to me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts too.

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