February 23rd – UMR.com reaches 500 Movie Pages!

So when we published our Ben Kingsley page….we hit a new landmark…..500 UMR Movie Pages have now been produced.  We think we have successfully created a page that allows a reader “to get lost” in our sea of stats.

From Bruce Willis to Ben Kingsley…..it has been a fun ride…..thanks to all the people that have been so kind to read and comment on these pages….without you….no way….we would have reached this plateau.  Next stop 1000 UMR pages.

(Visited 115 times)

5 thoughts on “February 23rd – UMR.com reaches 500 Movie Pages!”

  1. You being a former tennis fan will know that next to the 4 Grand Slams the prestigious ranking tournaments in ascending order are the Masters 250, the Masters 500 and the Masters 1000.
    Congrats on achieving 500 and now if you want to be known as the Federer of movie site buffs you must go for 1000. Meanwhile it has been great fun for me reading the great majority of the 500 from which I have gained an abundance of new information.

  2. Hey Steve….thanks and congrats to you on your 500 videos. Even more thanks for you commenting on almost all of my pages.

    As for a connection between Esther and Ben…can you say Mickey Rooney? The Mick and Esther were in a Andy Hardy movie and The Mick and Ben were in the last Night at the Musuem movie…hopefully Dan will be proud of my Bacon connection.

    1. Well done Bruce, Mickey Rooney comes in useful when we need to connect someone with someone else, he was around for so long. 🙂

  3. Congrats on reaching 500 pages Bruce, well done amigo! 🙂

    I recently reached 500 videos on my Top 10 Charts youtube channel, Esther Williams was my 500th, Ben Kingsley yours. I can’t think of a way of connecting those two stars but I’m sure there is. 🙂

    Keep those pages coming!

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