February 24th – Cogerson Game Night Movie Review

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Cogerson Review of Game Night

Why I watched this one? Like Jason Bateman and thought the trailers were promising.

What is this one about? A group of friends who meet regularly for game nights find themselves trying to solve a murder mystery.

My thoughts on this one? Loved this movie. I watch a lot of movie….and rarely does a movie make me actually laugh…..this movie accomplished that feat numerous times.

I think the most amazing thing about the movie is the fact that it allows us to like and root for 8 different characters. Those 8 are three couples. Bateman’s older brother and Bateman’s more than a little creepy neighbor.

The story is fun….and does not take itself to serious. The twists and turns are entertaining. The cast does wonders with the roles. High praise to Bateman, Billy Magnussen as the not so smart member of the gang, Jesse Plemmons as the crazed neighbor and Lamorne Morris, who does a very impressive Denzel Washington impression.

Even with those stellar performances….it is Rachael McAdams as Bateman’s wife that shines the best. She is sexy, funny, down to earth, caring and quotes Pulp Fiction. Her best role since Wedding Crashers. Final thought: An adult comedy that needs to be seen….I look forward to a future viewing.

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