February 26th – New Settings As We Deal With Spam Invasions

We literally spent all of our free time this weekend dealing with spam that was attacking our website.

First of all we want to apologize for the spam that made it onto the pages.

Secondly, since they have cleverly figured out ways to by pass our 3 levels of spam blockers….we have had to add some more levels of spam blockers.

These new levels might cause some comments to be delayed….so we are apologizing for that as well.


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11 thoughts on “February 26th – New Settings As We Deal With Spam Invasions”


    1 I tried several times yesterday afternoon to get three posts through and while they all eventually did land successfully I initially thought you were blocking them because I had said something naughty about Joel [as if I would!]

    2 Seriously though one permanent problem that the spamming caused was it robbed us of the correction button facility as by the time the posts appeared on the site they had passed the point where the correction button could be used.

    3 However that was a small inconvenience compared with the nightmare facing you and I presume W o C in trying normalisation and future prevention methods. As other regulars have said please accept my sympathies.

    1. Hey Bob….hopefully things are back to normal. The spammers are always trying to get on the website….but until this weekend….they were not having much success. They are currently back to being “blacklisted”…..but I know they will be back. The timer is back….as comments do not need to be approved anymore….unless you do a comment with a link….then it might take a little time to see the comment.

        1. Hey Bob….a few of them……but seems the spam is trying to get people to go to 1000s of different and probably harmful websites. When you type in the name of the website that is trying to do the “sending” it comes up unknown. Only two spam comments in the last 36 hours…..I can handle that. The spam is coming in the name of the commentor…versus in the comment….tricky tricky people.

      1. Hey SteinHoF16….they made our weekend a very stressful one…..they are still attacking but have only a limited amount of success. The fight continues.

    1. Hey Flora……after a four day struggle……things seem to be going in the right direction….as only 1 spam message got to the website…..and only 2 reached the 3rd level of defense while I was sleeping……so pretty happy with that……especially considering yesterday the numbers were 15 comments made it to the website and 1,350 comments made it to the 3rd level of defense. Thanks for the feedback.

  2. I am saddened by the idiots who are attacking your site. do not worry about delays, UMR is well worth any wait. thanks again for all your great work, bob

    1. Hey bob c. It has been very frustrating for sure. The spammers have always been trying…but until recently they were not too successful. But they changed their approach and starting getting some success a couple of weeks ago. But some new widgets and a “blacklist” is helping out. Luckily things have improved enough that I have taken off the setting that requires comments to be approved by me…..that is the last resort. Sadly…those spammers are probable already on work trying to figure out how to beat our latest spam blocking widgets. Thanks for the kind words.

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