Godzilla Movies

Want to know the best Godzilla movies?  How about the worst Godzilla movies?  Curious about Godzilla box office grosses or which Godzilla movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Godzilla movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences and which got the worst reviews? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.

Godzilla has been appearing on movie screens for over 65 years.  This page ranks all the Godzilla movies from 1954’s Gojira to 2019’s Godzilla: King of the Monsters.  Overall we ranked 35 different Godzilla movies in six different statistical categories.

Godzilla Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

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Godzilla Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • Sort Godzilla movies by his co-stats
  • Sort Godzilla movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost.
  • Sort Godzilla movies by adjusted worldwide box office grosses using current movie ticket cost.
  • Sort Godzilla movies how they were received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Godzilla movie received.
  • Sort Godzilla movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
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Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences.

(Visited 1 times)

10 thoughts on “Godzilla Movies

  1. In the above tables the only two productions that have so far crashed the Cogerson adjusted domestic $100 million barrier were released in the last 21 years and all the rest [ignoring for now the latest release] have abysmal or almost non-existent US grosses though mostly they have done better abroad especially the 2001 and current one.

    Indeed the others for which we have worldwide figures have grossed just under $1 billion collectively, a paltry average of only about $33 million per movie globally.

    This new page is a comprehensive, informative and topical piece of work and is therefore “Voted Up!”

    1. Hey Bob…..until American studios tried to make a Godzilla movie….the Godzilla movies barely saw American theaters…so there totals are very low….in many cases on the above table….the numbers shown are the smallest one our database will register. Even though Godzilla 2 opened beneath expectations…I think it will get to $100 million….but it will be close. Thanks for the kind words about our Godzilla page and the vote up. Good stuff.

      1. HI BRUCE

        Eleven of the ones in your chart were made in “my day” [ie the 1950s and 1960s] and of course the great special effects we now enjoy were not available back then, but the upside of that was that production costs could be kept low so that profits were easily turned.

        One presumes that if they were not generally profitable so many of them wouldn’t have been made down the years, and indeed when I saw your charts I was amazed that 34 previous ones HAD been released.

        1. Hey Bob….I was equally surprised when I realized there were this many Godzilla movies out there. So you helped Godzilla become the star he has become…..good job. The special effects were bad…but to small children they were amazing. I remember watching Godzilla movies on television….I always enjoyed them….even if they were basically the same movie over and over. Good stuff as always. Off to work I go. 7 more school days till summer break.

  2. Hello Bruce,
    I agree with Steve, it’s impressive all this stats on the Godzilla franchise.
    As always, a great job.
    I’m sorry for not having the time to post as much as before, but I still read you, always with pleasure.

    1. Hey Laurent. Good to hear from you. Hope all has been going well. Thanks for the kind words on this Godzilla page….though as I told Steve, lots of the box office numbers come from sources I do not normally use….and the worldwide grosses are pretty much from Japan only. Seeing all of these Godzilla movies together is interesting. I had no idea there were so many. Thanks for checking in.

  3. Wow I’m amazed you found the stats for all the Godzilla films Bruce, congrats!

    I’ve seen them all except the latest one, I might go next week but the reviews have not been good. The most recent one I’ve seen is Shin Godzilla, I have it on blu-ray. Some nice effects but too much yapping.

    My favorites? They all seem to blend together, let me think – Godzilla (1954) the first one, it was re-edited for the American market and retitled Godzilla King of the Monsters (1956), scenes with actor Raymond Burr were added in, his character was named Steve Martin.

    Other favorites include – Godzilla vs The Thing, Ghidorah The Three Headed Monster, Monster Zero, Destroy all Monsters and King Kong vs Godzilla. And a few more. I have them all on DVD, some on Blu-ray. Imports from the USA.

    I wrote about the Godzilla films at Hubpages a few years ago, I even included Japanese ticket sales for each film and plenty of other facts. Here’s the link – https://hubpages.com/entertainment/Godzilla-On-the-Screen

    Excellent work Bruce. Vote Up!

    1. Hey Steve. Thanks for checking out our Godzilla page. I had to use some sources I do not normally use…but I wanted to include all the Godzilla movies I could. Many of the Godzilla movies did not play in regular North American theaters. They played in Godzilla film festivals…apparently there is a big Godzilla following out there….so for those movies I gave them credit for the smallest amount of US box office that my database will register…$50,000. Most of the worldwide box office numbers come from Wiki. That show what Godzilla earned in Japan only.

      So final result is an acceptable way…but a far cry from how we normally get and represent the information on UMR. I would say only about 8 of the movies listed above have our UMR Seal of Approval,..,,..the rest are best guess at best….but the reviews from critics and audiences are good. Thanks for sharing the HubPage link…ah those were the days. We are only 10 days away from the end of the school semester….and I finally got sick……home in bed and about to go back to sleep…being sick when it is 100 F outside is pretty horrible.

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