January 14th – Our La La Land Movie Review

Ryan Gosling won the Golden Globe Best Actor for 2016’s La La Land

Why I watched this one? Figured I would be hearing about this movie for the next 6 weeks as we close in on Oscar night…so I thought I would see what all the fuss is about.

What is this one about? A jazz pianist (Ryan Gosling) falls for an aspiring actress (Emma Stone) in Los Angeles.

My thoughts on this one? Ok….I am not a musical guy at all. Generally I tend to stay away from musicals. So…knowing this was a tribute to past musicals really meant very little to me. Overall I thought the music and the dancing was fine. It was when the movie stopped the music and let Gosling and Stone act together that I really enjoyed the movie. Both are outstanding in the movie….though I think Stone has the more challenging role.

Their love story is fun to follow and has a believable ending. I actually really enjoyed the final ten minutes as it throws a slight twist into the movie. I really liked all the mentions to Hollywood and it’s past. Stone’s character is the perfect girl for a movie buff. She is pretty….she is sexy….she references classic movies like Bringing Up Baby, Notorious and Casablanca when she is talking. Her room is peppered with movie posters like The Killers and The Black Cat…..I think I am in love. Just don’t tell my wife. Overall…..I enjoyed this movie…I thought it was a good movie….but it is not nearly as good as it’s current 21st best movie ranking at IMDb…..but it is still worth seeing.

Ranked 21st of 190 movies on my 2016 Movie Ranking Page. www.ultimatemovierankings.com/2016-movies/

Ranked 1st of 21 movies on my Ryan Gosling Movie Ranking Page. www.ultimatemovierankings.com/ryan-gosling-movies/

Ranked 7th of 21 movies on my Emma Stone Movie Ranking Page. www.ultimatemovierankings.com/emma-stone-movies/

(Visited 35 times)

2 thoughts on “January 14th – Our La La Land Movie Review”

    1. It has a good aftertaste too…sometimes you see a movie in theaters…and you walk out going “that was a good movie”…and then days later you start to question if it really was a good movie or not. I am betting it picks up at least 10 Oscar nominations in a couple of weeks.

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