January 15th – Getting To Know Giancarlo Esposito Better

I do not watch many television shows…..but I did watch Breaking Bad.  My favorite bad guy in that series was Gus Fring.    Fring was played by Giancarlo Esposito.   Gotta admit, I thought Giancarlo was a new actor….at least I thought he was new to me.   Boy was I wrong.   Not only had I seen many of his previous performances…..I liked those performances.   After watching him on Breaking Bad, I started noticing him in movies that I had seen before.  Here are some recent examples of that.

Remember him in Taps?  Well…..he is there.

  Seen Trading Places many many times…the last time I noticed who was the prison cell with Eddie Murphy.

Remember who helps kills Denzel Washington in Malcolm X?  Yep Giancarlo did it!

Do The Right Thing is Giancarlo movie!

Twilight stars movie legends, Gene Hackman, Paul Newman, Susan Sarandon and James Garner…but who made me stop the movie when he appeared on screen….Mr. Giancarlo Esposito.

Fresh is one of my favorite movies of all-time.  A serious hidden gem that many do not remember.  Giancarlo has one of the best roles in the movie.  And yet…I did not connect the dots to Gus Fring until just a year or so ago.

A Giancarlo Espositio Page is Coming Soon!

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