January 18th – Check Out Steve Lensman’s Vincent Price You Tube Video

Today’s post is Steve’s latest You Tube video on one of his favorites….Vincent Price.


(Visited 60 times)

7 thoughts on “January 18th – Check Out Steve Lensman’s Vincent Price You Tube Video”

  1. Thanks BryRog57….interesting about Bob Farell….you might be right this might be my pickle….:)

  2. Thanks for the link Bruce, much appreciated. You could always post some topical movie news to show the site is still active, or even an actor’s birthday.

    1. Hey Steve….well…the only star who had a birthday was Jim Carey….and I have not updated his page….so I went to Top 10 Charts and Mr. Price’s video was waiting for me.

    1. Hey SteinHOF……yep still alive and still publishing new pages….Richard Gere is now published.

  3. WoC read that it was important to have something that lets readers know the website is fresh and active…..and that a daily post was important. In our house we have started calling this the “Yes I am still alive post”. So normally I figure out what I want the next day’s post to be the day before. Yesterday…I got involved in doing research for a Richard Gere and Lee Van Cleef page…not to mentioned a movie number project that will only interest me…..so this morning…I had nothing for my “I am alive post”….thankfully Steve Lensman is here to rescue us….as his You Tube Channel always has new material…..you should check it out. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVPRYo9hTtkRc-U2KSAJsGQ

    1. So there is a guy and his name is Bob Farrell, he was a pretty good motivational speaker and owned a chain of restaurants called Farrell’s….basically he was all about the customer and his war cry was, “Give em’ the pickle,” as an employee charged someone for extra pickles. So each person is suppose to find their pickle with whatever service they provide, seems you have found your pickle.

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