11 thoughts on “January 19-20th – First Draft of UMR Book Is Done”

  1. [leaps majestically into frame] Aloha Bruce, wherefore art thou Bruce? Art thou still herest?

    Will the book be dedicated to the late great Joel Hirschhorn? [Bob winces]

    Looking good, paperback with a flat spine? In the Queen’s English?

    [exits stage left]

    1. Still here. Crazy week. Been sick, working on the book, went on mini-vacation, shifting classes as I move from Special Education to Technology, working on book just to mention a few things keeping me busy the last week. Did not even have time to do my annual Oscar prediction page….which I normally get about 85 to 90% correct.

      Quick predictions…..tons of nominations for Green Book, Black Panther (maybe even double digits here) and A Star Is Born. Sam Elliott will be an Oscar nominated actor by the end of the day. Christian Bale will be a 4-time Oscar nominated actor by the end of the day. If Only Beale Street Could Talk will get 5 or 6 nominations….and look for First Man to possibly really rebound with a Best Picture nom and lots of tech nominations. Find out in about a hour.

    1. Thanks PhilHoF17….we updated the e-book too…..it is almost an entire new book versus the first one you got…..it was a BOGO sale….I just did not know it at the time…lol.

    1. Thanks Flora. I was pleasantly surprised that the first printing looked like Joel’s book. The final book will be smaller. Thanks for the positive words. Will be back home tomorrow. My planned pages did not publish properly….. I blame the book for taking too much of attention…..lol.

    2. Thank you Flora….already made lots of changes on the book….as that first draft is filled with red ink…lol.

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