3 thoughts on “January 6th – Every Oscar Winning Best Visual Effect Movie”

  1. I watched it a few months ago Bruce. Very well edited and up to date too.

    I was a special effects junkie when I was young so you can imagine what it was like for me to see Star Wars for the first time. Ray Harryhausen was one of my movie idols back then. I would borrow my parents cine camera and make little stop motion movies using my younger brothers toys. The movie camera had a still frame function so I would move his toys a frame at a time and the end result was they looked like they were coming to life a la Toy Story. This was back in the 70s.

    1. Figured you had checked that one out. New Lensman information….did not know you were the older brother….I am the baby brother…..and Steve he filmmaker….I bet Ray would’ve been pleased that his influences reached you.

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