January 6th – Not Good News

  1.  Google Ad Sense has suspended our account.  Seems we had too good of a December.  They said they will do some research and decide if we can remain in their program.  This was after being with them for 6 years and bringing millions of views to their advertisers.  Added bonus they told us there was no timetable for a decision.
  2. Our current contract with our website provider ends on February 1st 2021.
  3. For our next yearly contract they want a healthy increase to support the added increase in traffic.
  4. This is putting us in between and rock and a hard spot. As our traffic increases the more the website costs us to run.
  5. As I type this….I am leaning more towards pulling the plug than renewing for another year of increased website provider costs.  WoC is leaning towards moving forward for another year.
  6. Just figured I would let people know what was going on behind the scenes at UMR.
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22 thoughts on “January 6th – Not Good News”

  1. Cogerson, you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. i am ecstatic UMR’s producer kept a level head and the decision has made to re-up for another year. you are not alone in this tribulation. help and support are available.

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