Want to know the best Joan Fontaine movies? How about the worst Joan Fontaine movies? Curious about Joan Fontaine box office grosses or which Joan Fontaine movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Joan Fontaine movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.
Joan Fontaine (1917-2013) was a British-American Oscar® winning actress. Fontaine is probably best remembered for being a very frightened lady in back to back Alfred Hitchcock movies: 1940’s Rebecca and 1941’s Suspicion. Her IMDb page shows 71 acting credits from 1935-1994. This page will rank 39 Joan Fontaine movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information. Television shows, uncredited roles and 5 of her very early movies were not included in the rankings. To do well in our overall rankings a movie has to do well at the box office, get good reviews by critics, be liked by audiences and get some award recognition.
Drivel part of the page: After not writing about an actress for 18 straight movie pages…this Joan Fontaine marks the second straight actress we have written about. This Fontaine page comes from a request by Søren and Flora. The main sources used when it comes to finding the box office information came from end of the year Variety magazines, MGM ledgers, RKO ledgers and the books Joan Fontaine A Bio-Bibliograpy and No Bed Of Roses: An Autobiography (by Fontaine).

Joan Fontaine Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table
The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.
- Sort Joan Fontaine movies by co-stars of her movies
- Sort Joan Fontaine movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
- Sort Joan Fontaine movies by yearly domestic box office rank
- Sort Joan Fontaine movies by how they were received by critics and audiences. 60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
- Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each Joan Fontaine movie received.
- Sort Joan Fontaine movies by Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Score. UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
Stats and Possibly Interesting Things From The Above Joan Fontaine Table
- Seventeen Joan Fontaine movie crossed the magical $100 million domestic gross mark. That is a percentage of 43.59% of her movies listed. Frenchman’s Creek (1944) was her biggest box office hit.
- An average Joan Fontaine movie grosses $107.20 million in adjusted box office gross.
- Using RottenTomatoes.com’s 60% fresh meter. 29 of Joan Fontaine’s movies are rated as good movies…or 74.35% of her movies. Rebecca (1940) is her highest rated movie while Flight to Tangier (1953) is her lowest rated movie.
- Thirteen Joan Fontaine movies received at least one Oscar® nomination in any category…..or 33.33% of her movies.
- Five Joan Fontaine movies won at least one Oscar® in any category…..or 12.82% of her movies.
- An average Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Score is 39.86. 22 Joan Fontaine movie scored higher that average….or 37.28% of her movies. Rebecca (1940) got the the highest UMR Score while In Decameron Nights (1953) got the lowest UMR Score.

Possibly Interesting Facts About Joan Fontaine
1. Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1917 to English parents. She took her stage name from her step-father, George Fontaine.
2. Joan Fontaine older sister is two time Best Actress Oscar® winner, Olivia de Havilland. Joan and Olivia are the first sisters to win Oscars® and the first ones to be Oscar®-nominated in the same year.Apparently Joan and Olivia had a lifelong feud. You can read more about that here.
3. Joan Fontaine and Olivia de Havilland never worked together….but they came close once. They briefly thought about starring in a little movie called A Streetcar Named Desire (1951). Olivia was going to play the Vivien Leigh role and Joan was going to play the Kim Hunter roe.
4. Joan Fontaine was nominated for 3 Oscars®. Her first nomination was for 1940’s Rebecca, 2nd nomination and only win was for 1941’s Suspicion, and her third nomination was for 1943’s The Constant Nymph. Fontaine never received a Golden Globe® nomination.
5. Joan Fontaine had lots of interests away from Hollywood. She was a licensed pilot, champion balloonist, expert horse rider, prize-winning tuna fisherman, a hole-in-one golfer, Cordon Bleu chef and licensed interior decorator.
6. Joan Fontaine was the last surviving cast member of George Cukor’s The Women (1939) until she passed away in December 2013. The Women had over 130 roles in this movie, all played by women.
7. Joan Fontaine was married four times and had one child….Debbie Dozier.
8. Joan Fontaine was one of Fred Astaire’s many dance partners. She however thought her movie with Astaire, A Damsel in Distress (1937) set her career back four years. At the premiere, a woman sitting behind her loudly exclaimed, “Isn’t she awful!” during Fontaine’s onscreen attempt at dancing.
9. Joel Hirschhorn’s Rating The Movie Stars book (the inspiration for this website) rated every single Joan Fontaine performance on a 1 to 4 star basis. These 8 Fontaine movies were deemed her very best performances. Rebecca (1940), Suspicion (1941), The Constant Nymph (1943), The Affairs of Susan (1945), Letter From An Unknown Woman (1948), Something To Live For (1952), Until They Sail (1957) and Tender Is The Night (1962)
10. Check out Joan Fontaine‘s career compared to current and classic actors. Most 100 Million Dollar Movies of All-Time.
The FIVE Fontaine movies that escaped us….1937’s A Million To One, 1937 The Man Who Found Himself, 1938’s Maid’s Night Out, 1938’s Blond Cheat and 1938’s The Duke of West Point. Will keep searching for those box office numbers…but not thinking they will ever be found.
Want more stats? Coming right up…15 Joan Fontaine Adjusted Worldwide Box Office Grosses
- Born To Be Bad (1950) $71.70 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Certain Smile, A (1958) $67.40 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Constant Nymph, The (1943) $282.50 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Damsel in Distress, A (1937) $190.00 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- From This Day Forward (1946) $152.10 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Gunga Din (1939) $510.30 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Ivanhoe (1952) $483.40 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- No More Ladies (1935) $163.10 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Quality Street (1937) $42.60 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Serenade (1956) $120.70 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Sky Giant (1938) $65.20 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Suspicion (1941) $244.40 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Tender Is The Night (1962) $76.70 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Until They Sail (1957) $61.00 million in adjusted worldwide box office
- Women, The (1939) $282.60 million in adjusted worldwide box office
Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences. Golden Globe® is a registered trademark.
For comments….all you need is a name and a comment….please ignore the rest.
TCM will be airing IVY tonight at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific as part of their look at William Cameron Menzies.
I will be recording it and a few others as I will not be home tonight.
Hey Flora…I read that Ivy was a hard to find movie to watch….I will have to see if I can catch it tonight. The bad thing is I have nothing to tape it with. Where did all my VCRs go? Thanks for the update. I deleted two of your Cary Grant comments…will respond to the main Grant comment after dinner.
I was taught by a teenager in my building how to use PVR recording. A whole new timetable opened up
Ivy is Hitchcockian.
Missed my chance….school project was due tonight…and before I knew it…it was too late. Glad a helpful teenager opened up a new timetable for you.
Ah, that explains why you couldn’t keep up your self-imposed goal of a new page every 48 hours this month.
I loved IVY. Who knows when it will ever air on TCM again.
I see you finally found a new movie opening that interested you enough to change the featured UMR featured page. Leo was up for almost a month it seemed. 🙂
Hey Flora….I still have a few more hours to go. Acually finishing up Claudette Colbert now…I have 46 movies complete (all of them from 1934 on)….struggling with some of her movies from 1927-1933. Especially 1933….as I am currently 0-4 on that year. But I will make my goal….lol. It would be a shame to not get there…and fail on January 29th.
Yep Kung Fu Panda 3 bumped Leo….Not that my Dreamworks vs Pixar page needs any help getting views….it has been my most popular page on ALL 3 websites. Ok back to searching for Torch Sugar, Three Cornered Moon, I Cover The Waterfront and Tonight is Ours.
Fontaine was absolutely lovely looking and a very talented actress. I loved her in Rebecca. I read that during the filming, Hitchcock deliberately made out that the producers wanted her out but was on her side. This of course made her very insecure and nervous, which suited him perfectly because that’s what he wanted her character to be.
Although she won for Suspicion, I don’t think it was as good a film. I think one of her best films was A Letter to an Unknown Woman. I’m surprised it did so poorly at the box office but maybe her popularity at that point was starting to tail off.
Her autobiography is very readable, while making The Emperor’s Waltz, she hated working with Crosby as she thought he was very rude and indifferent to her. When they weren’t filming, she was just totally ignored. I remember reading Ingrid Bergman’s autobiography and she said the same thing about Crosby when making The Bell’s of St. Mary’s.
Fontaine’s relationship with her sister seemed to be very complicated, it was very deep rooted and went back to childhood. The fact they were actresses probably made it more intense as they got older. It’s a pity they hadn’t worked together, Streetcar would have been an interesting watch.
Hey Chris.
1. Thanks for your thoughts on Joan Fontaine.
2. Pretty sure she had a terrible time on the set of Rebecca……but it turned out well. I like her performance in Rebecca way more than her Oscar winning performance in Suspicion.
3. I have not seen either The Constant Nymph or A Letter To An Unknown Woman….those two and Hitch’s two seemed to be the consensus of her best performances.
4. A Letter To An Unknown Woman…was marketed as a foreign film….so it quickly got labeled an art movie….and the general public pretty much ignored it…..but her performance has survived the times….it is a movie I really want to check out.
5. I enjoyed her autobiography too….seemed like she really spoke her mind….and held nothing back.
6. Bing Crosby seems to have a much darker side than the screen image he had.
7. Not sure the true reason for the feud will ever come out….unless Olivia has a big press conference on her rapidly approaching 100th birthday.
Great appreciate you sharing your movie thoughts.
She was amazing in Rebecca!! Best performance of her life!….truly lovely..just like the flowers!
Hey Chris….I agree….many people think she won her Oscar for Suspicion because the Academy felt they made a mistake when she did not win for Rebecca. Thanks for the visit.
The Women..is my favorite Fontaine movie.
Hey Carol it is one the great ones. I love the Crawford bath tub scene.
Tell me, Bruce. After it being on your to-see list for a long time, what did you think of The Women?
Hey Flora….I actually have a movie review on The Women…https://letterboxd.com/cogerson/film/the-women/ This is from the excellent website….Letterboxd.com. I saw The Women over 6 months ago.
Hey Flora….gotta change my tally count. After attaching my movie review link to the previous comment….I clicked all my Joan Fontaine movie reviews…and there is a review of You Gotta Stay Happy watched on December 14th 2014. So that makes 7 Fontaine movies..even though that movie was very very forgettable. So I am one movie away from Steve.
5 of the 7 Fontaine movies that I have watched…reviewed. https://letterboxd.com/cogerson/tag/joan-fontaine/films/
I really appreciate Joan Fontaine. My favorite film of hers is Rebecca and I love her in The Women.
Hey Susan….she has an awesome 1939 to 1941….three big hits, 2 Oscar nominations and an Oscar win. After the success The Women and Rebecca….she finished it off with Suspicion…that is one awesome trifecta.