John Wayne Movies

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John Wayne made 88 movies before becoming a star in 1939’s Stagecoach. From Stagecoach to 1976’s The Shootist, Wayne made another 82 movies. That is a grand total of 170 movies in his career. John Wayne was the first movie star that I became aware of as a child. I still remember the shock of watching him die in The Alamo (my older brother had told me he was going to survive…he obviously lied to me). For nearly forty years, Wayne was one of the most popular stars making movies.

John Wayne’s IMDb page shows 180 acting credits from 1926-1976.  The following table only lists about half of John Wayne’s movies.  Cameos, television appearances, and almost all of his B westerns from the 1930s were not included in the rankings.  His remaining 94 movies are ranked by 6 different columns of sortable information.

Dean Martin, Walter Brennan & John Wayne in 1959's Rio Bravo
Dean Martin, Walter Brennan & John Wayne in 1959’s Rio Bravo

John Wayne Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

John Wayne Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table

The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.

  • If movie title is a blue, then there is a John Wayne movie trailer attached to the page link
  • Sort John Wayne movies by co-stars or in some cases directors
  • Sort John Wayne movies by adjusted box office grosses using current movie ticket cost
  • Sort John Wayne movies by box office rank in the year of release
  • Sort John Wayne movies by how the movie was received by critics and audiences.  60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
  • Sort by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each John Wayne movie received.
  • Sort John Wayne movies by Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score.  UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
  • Use the search and sort buttons to make this table very interactive.

Stats and Possibly Interesting Things From The Above John Wayne Table

1.  51 John Wayne movies crossed the magical $100 million mark.  That is a percentage of 54.26% of his movies listed.  His top domestic box office hit was The Longest Day (1963).

2.  An average John Wayne movie grosses $124.30 million in adjusted box office gross.

3.  Using’s 60% fresh meter.  55 John Wayne movies are rated as good movies…or 65.47% of his movies.  His highest rated movie is 1959’s Rio Bravo.  His lowest rated movie is The Conqueror (1956).

4.  24 John Wayne movies received at least one Oscar® nomination in any category…..or 28.23% of his movies.

5.  9 John Wayne movies won at least one Oscar® in any category…..or 10.71% of his movies.

6.  A “good movie” Ultimate Movie Rankings (UMR) Score is 60.00 or higher.  61 John Wayne movies scored higher that average….or 71.76% of his movies.  True Grit (1969) got the highest UMR Score.  Brannigan (1975) got the lowest UMR Score.

Academy Award® and Oscar® are the registered trademarks of the Academy of Motion Arts and Sciences. Golden Globes® are the registered trademark and service mark of the Hollywood Foreign Press.

Jump To John Wayne Links: 1. Box Office 2. Oscar Movies 3. Reviews 4. Trailers 5. Trivia 6. UMR Table

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284 thoughts on “John Wayne Movies

  1. Thanks for adding How the West Was Won, Wayne did have dialogue in the film I watched it again a few months ago. Was it that successful? wow! Cinerama was a very wide process using three cameras filming at the same time. On my old DVD you can clearly see the joins merging the three pieces of film together but on the blu-ray they are practically invisible, fantastic job.

    You know I’ve only seen three Adam Sandler comedies!! One of them was a remake of Burt Reynolds The Longest Yard, another was called Click which was pretty good and there was one where he was called Zorin or Zoran.

    1. Hey Steve…I will have to check out How the West Was Won on Blu-Ray…it sounds like it could be awesome on Blu-Ray. How the West Was Won was a huge hit….looking at one of my Variety lists…it was the 22nd biggest hit of the entire decade.

      As for Adam Sandler…I have seen 23 of 24 of his movies….not sure if I should celebrate or hide my face on that accomplishment….I blame my older boys….they love Sandler and made me take them to most of his movies….now that they are 23 and 19…I wonder what they think of Adam Sandler movies?

  2. I’m still pointing and laughing Flora, sorry, let me take a deep breath. Okay. I’m kidding, John Wayne despite being the most popular actor in the history of Hollywood isn’t to everyone’s taste. Isn’t that ironic?

    Whether it’s his politics or millions of westerns or the fact he always seems to play John Wayne some people just aren’t fans of the Duke.

    I’ve seen 61 of the 104 films Wayne films I’ve collected over the years, I suppose I can consider myself a bit of a fan. One day I might sit through all the B-westerns he made before John Ford’s Stagecoach made him a star.

    I’m surprised you haven’t included How the West Was Won Bruce, Wayne played General Sherman in the Civil War segment. Three of Flora’s faves are in that films, Stewart, Peck and Widmark. The blu-ray release is fantastic, incredible quality.

    1. Hey Steve….well when I wrote this hub, I had just watched both The Longest Day and How The West Was Won. At least his part in The Longest Day was filmed at different locations…so I included that one….but his role in How the West Was Won….was him walking through a tent and stopping in a field…total running time …maybe two minutes. So I did not include that in his totals….but just for you I have now included the movie in the Movie Score table….it would come in at #4 according in to Movie Score.

      So the tally on the Duke….Steve 61….Bruce 24….Flora 7……are you ready to go and count Adam Sandler movies?….lol.

  3. Okay, now you are in for a good laugh.

    Because of various costars he has had, I have indeed seen some of Wayne’s films. (I wouldn’t visit any of your hubs just to say I’ve seen none..I mean I won’t be checking out Adam Sadler)

    I have seen 1 of his top ten box office hits..The alamo (hmmm. wonder why I saw this one?)

    I have seen 2 of his top ten critics hits-The Quiet Man (hmm. not a western nor a war film) and The shootist (a who’s who in westerns for his final movie)

    I have seen two of his top ten movie score films.. The Alamo and The Quiet man.

    The highest ranked film I’ve seen is The Alamo at #4.

    The lowest I’ve seen is #44-The Shootist. Hmm. I see to be mentioning only a handful of films.

    The total number of films by John Wayne I’ve seen including How the West Was Won which isn’t listed here is……………………………………….7! out of 172 total credits, that is 3% of his films.


    Even looking at the 72 you’ve listed and not looking at HTWWW, it is 7%!

    Isn’t that funny?

    The total list is, in alphabetical order:

    The Alamo

    The Horse soldiers

    How the West Was Won

    The Quiet Man

    The Shootist

    They Were Expendable

    The War Wagon

    Now that we’ve all had a big laugh, I’ll refrain from visiting pages of actors you’ve already done if I haven’t actually seen enough of the person’s films to have something to say.

    1. Hey Flora thanks for stopping by my John Wayne hub. 7 is not too bad especially since you do not like westerns…and westerns probably make up almost 80% of his films.

      I have seen 24 of his movies…probably many more that I can not best friend’s father growing up, loved John Wayne and we watched many many Wayne movies with him.

      Wow two classic movie page tallies in a row …where I did not finish last I am on a roll….hey let’s go count those classic Adam Sandler movies….lol.

      As for the % not changing….John Wayne was the most active actor in Hollywood from 1930 to 1976…..46 years of almost making 4 movies a year…that is a serious output.

      And finally is it not weird that 28% of your John Wayne movies you have watched also starred Richard Widmark?

  4. No one’s mentioned Hondo or Angel and the Badman. Shame. I just saw legend of the lost and noticed three actors had to carry 85% of the movie, I liked Jet Pilot but it was obviously a propaganda film, thou all his war movies were. Wayne did not make a convincing Genghas Khan but so what? Who could say how Genghis khan looked or talked. Hitler was protrayed by an english actor Anthony Hopkins. The Conqourer was a fun movie.

    1. Hey ruffridyer….Hondo is a great movie….I wish the dog would have lived….I have never seen Angel and the Badman I will have to check that one out….I thought Legend of the Lost was pretty good as well…..good points about unusual choices of actors playing roles….Renee Zwelleger got the part every British actress wanted a few years ago in the Bridget Jones movies…..while Vivian Leigh got the part every American actress wanted in Gone With The Wind….I will say The Conqueror is a very entertaining movie if only to watch John Wayne as Genghis Khan…thanks for stopping by and reading my Wayne movie page.

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