July 31st to August 4th – Important Cogerson Dates

Every year…this is a crazy busy time for the Cogerson family.

July 31st – This year SoC2 (Son of Cogerson 2) turned 26!

August 2nd – This year GDofC (Granddaughter of Cogerson) turned 11!

Natalie…..is now 11.

August 3rd – This year WoC and Cogerson celebrate their 13th anniversary

August 4th – This year DoC2 (Daughter of Cogerson 2) turns 12!

Samantha aka Sam is now 12.
(Visited 1 times)

32 thoughts on “July 31st to August 4th – Important Cogerson Dates”

  1. How my family has grown. Bob and I had two sons, Bobby and Bruce. I now have six grandchildren, Bryan, Scotty, Katie, Alex, Samantha and Emily, and two great grandchildren, Natalie and Nicholas. It is so much fun having all my family around me and hearing of their
    interesting lives. Natalie and Nicholas live in Alaska and Nicholas will be 2 in November.

    Congratulations on your 13th Wedding Anniversary. Have a great day celebrating!!! I hope my card arrives on time in the mail – I never know how long they take to get to your house………….
    Looking forward to the birthday party on Sunday. I am bringing presents and my camera with me, ha, ha, ha. Can’t wait for Sam to see ONE present……………………….

    1. Hearing from Bern that Bruce has a brother [my namesake too and The Work Horse never let on!] reminds me of the Sherlock Holmes stories when Dr Watson was astounded one day to find out for the first time that Holmes had a brother [Mycroft]

      It transpired though that according to Sherlock, Mycroft was actually the smarter of the two brothers! Indeed in references I have seen Mycroft called “Sherlock Holmes smarter brother.”

      Now I wonder—————-

      1. Hey Bob…..my brother has been referenced numerous times here. His favorite movies are Thief, Scarface (the Pacino version) and Alien. Back in the 1980s, he and I would go to midnight shows on a regular basis…..we saw A Clockwork Orange, Rocky Horror Picture Show and Liquid Sky at those showings. As for who is smarter…..well….since he is my older brother…I will give him the edge.

        If you would like to know how he views his little brother….after seeing….Darren Aronofsky’s Pi….he said the thought the main character in that movie was me…..in that one “A paranoid mathematician searches for a key number that will unlock the universal patterns found in nature.”….at the end of the movie that guy drills a hole in his head to get the information out…..sound like me?

        Thanks for the good thoughts.

        1. HI BRUCE

          Thanks for the “brother” feedback.

          I think even Steve would agree that drilling a hole in your head would be an extreme measure to get stats out! Probably too many of Myrna’s in there to get out through just one hole anyway!

          If your brother IS smarter than you then I think that Goldsmith’s words from The Deserted Village would apply

          And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew
          That one small head could carry all he knew

          Do you and your bro have similar views – for example does he too consider Joel his mentor?

          1. Hey Bob……so far I have been able to keep the drill away from my head. My brother has no idea who Joel Hirschhorn is…..Bill James, the baseball stat guru, is someone he is aware of. Funny comment.

        2. HI BRUCE

          Your brother has no idea who Joel is! Just as Mycroft Holmes is sometimes referred to as “Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother” I think that in any future mention of your own sibling he should be called “Bruce Cogerson’s luckier brother”.

          My daughter, being my technical W o C in computer matters, is familiar with the names of many of the people with whom I exchange posts on this site such as Lupino, Bob Cox, Steve and yourself and she likes reading Flora’s posts to get a woman’s perspective of things.

          My daughter was quite taken by your family photos above and she asked me if it was your good self standing with your son in the first of them[July 31st]

          I said I presumed it was but although the conflicting time-frames rule out Joel I have discovered that you have a brother who enters the equation so maybe you would confirm the matter?

          You should perhaps know that if it is indeed you she thinks you look like the young Robin Williams!

          1. STEVE

            He’s Back!

            I feel a lump coming to my throat the way my Jimmy’s Charlie Anderson must have felt when at the end of 1965’s Shenandoah he and his remaining family were worshipping in church and the doors suddenly burst open and out of nowhere his young son who who had gone missing in the Civil War suddenly came hobbling in on crutches.

            I think the film ended with the pastor instructing his flock with words like “Let’s ALL sing a hymn in thanks to the Lord!”

            I will be replying later today to your Murphy EP video and added to the usual 2-part response that I give to to your EP’s will be a 3rd part dealing with the Audie book that Bruce kindly gifted me so I just hope he hangs around long enough this time to read that 3-parter.

            I am reminded of the film Cimarron in which my Glenn plays Yancey “Cimarron” Cravat, an adventurer whose always off fighting wars so that his wife sees him at times only every 5 years. I just hope W o C doesn’t ultimately suffer the same fate as Glenn’s poor wife in that movie!

          2. Never left Bob. This previous weekend was a family weekend….was pretty much away from the internet….yet still managed to post about 50 comments, wrote a new page and updated the Kirk Douglas page..granted had to stay up until the middle of the night to do that.

            I actually finally watched Ford’s Cimarron for the first time a few weeks ago….so funny you mentioning it…..WoC will not have to worry about that…our next 8 weeks are crazy busy….but I will be back down to one job and she will be done with some work stuff.

            Looking forward to your Audie comments.

          3. Hey Bob
            1. Yep that is me. When Scotty visited Bryan in Alaska..he noticed there were no pictures of him in Bryan’s house….he has a wall of photos of family…but no Scotty. Bryan said he did not have one…so Scotty had me hold the sign….and sent Bryan that photo….which now hangs on that wall….supposedly….lol.
            2. I get the Robin Williams comparison a lot….so I am not surprised your daughter sees that too.
            3. My brother will be glad to take your compliment of being Sherlock’s Smarter Brother.
            4. He says he knew I was warped when I was younger…..he taught me a baseball game that used dice….we played once…and he forgot the game. I however, started a league….with rosters….kept the stats…and played for years….ended up with sheets and sheets of stats…..thus the beginning of my “stats” craze.
            5. A craze that was further enhanced by Bill a James and Joel Hirschhorn.
            Break time is over…goto to go back to work.

    2. Hey Bern1960….yep your family has really grown….let’s see….your kids are now a combined 108 years old, your grandkids are now a combined 124 years old and your great grandkids are now a combined 12. Thanks for the card…and look forward to Sunday.

      1. HI YANCEY ! I know that I was the one who first equated your disappearing habits with those of Cimarron but it always pains me to mention that movie as it was such a flop that it was of harbinger of my Glenn’s demise as a top box office star.

        However you pointed out the coincidence of your own having watched the movie just a few weeks ago. Well here’s another coincidence given the contents of your remarks on this page in your 8.89 am post at para 2 yesterday

        Last night I was watching a repeat of a 1997 episode of the TV sitcom Friends when who should make a brief uncredited cameo appearance? – Robin Williams!

        He was accompanied by Billy Crystal with whom he at times casually teamed up for the likes of stand-up comic turns, some of which I unfortunately found rather coarse in language. Billy seemed to be the “Dino” straight man to Robin’s zany “Lewis”.

        The Crystal-Williams double act was dealt with at length in a Robin Williams TV documentary tribute that I watched a few weeks ago and what struck me was that unlike the reportedly ultimately acrimonious Martin & Lewis relationship Billy and Robin were two guys with great professional chemistry who genuinely loved each other as friends until the end [not unlike it seems Lemmon/Matthau].

        I therefore felt the Billy/Robin appearance in a sitcom actually named “Friends” was most appropriate. Of course being them they apparently virtually gatecrashed that Friends episode for a bit of drop-in fun and in fact took the 6 Friends by surprise!

        Given what a live wire Robin was when he was younger and in good health his end was exceptionally sad. I for one love the “caring” ethos that many of his movies exudes and which seem to reflect the private persona he had..

        My favourite among Robin’s films were not his classics apart from Good Will Hunting but the 1991 Fisher King and the 1986 Best of Times. You give Fisher King a healthy 76% but Best of Times just 44%. You weren’t very kind to YOURSELF with the latter rating!! were you?

        1. Good points on the friendship of Robin Williams and Billy Crystal. Williams seems to have touched so many entertainers…..it is sad that he did not reach out to them when he was struggling so badly. I was not a huge fan of Friends…..but did watch that show when they had camoes like the one you mentioned…and the 3 episode arc Bruce Willis had….which he won an Emmy for.

          As for favorites….I am right there with you on The Fisher King…..what a performance by Williams…and Jeff Bridges. Many times I think of a line from that movie….near the end of the movie..Bridges’ character thinks he hears a horse….and says….”Perry would be so proud”….love that line…as it showed just how much Williams’ character got under the skin of Bridges’ character.

          As for Best of Times….I should love it….as Kurt Russell and Williams are among my all-time favorites….but I do not like that one at all….and it does not get better with additional viewings…unlike Michael Caine’s Without A Clue….which took about 3 viewings beforeI finally decided I liked it.

          Weekends are rough around the Cogerson family….as we try and get so much accomplished. WoC (1) Just got promoted at work (2) Is in class for a new certification …and attends class twice a week (3) Got a second job….becoming an adjunct professor at the university near us and (4) Is doing two jobs at work until the transition of her promotion works out…..that along with a good investment for our future has me doing two jobs this summer as well…..and my part time teaching job has now become a full time one…as I now have my own class….so needless to say…..for the health of my marriage….spending 5 hours a day on the internet does not work on the weekend. Goodness I already only sleep about 4 hours a day…..and sometimes during the week….that has dropped to cat nips as I try and keep the website going…via comments and new material….I know…you are rubbing your two fingers together and playing the world’s smallest violin…lol.

          1. HI BRUCE

            Thanks for the feedback in your 11.37 post.

            Seeing your description of your crowded [and highly successful] career schedule causes me to place a feather in my own cap – my instincts were right in dubbing you The Work Horse !!! Your expanded academic duties don’t include the running of a Dead Poet’s Society, do they? !!!

            It is good to see though how all your hard work is paying off. Please accept my sincere congratulations and pass on the same on my behalf to W o C please.


      Thanks for your responses to my posts today on this site. All 3 parts of my Audie comments today now duly posted.

  2. Congratulations to the Cogerson family on your birthdays and 13th anniversary!

    1. Thanks Flora…. hanging out with WoC all day today. Then tomorrow we gotta buy all these kids and grandkid presents for their party on Sunday. Tonight we are eating at a place called Freemason Abbey…..it was built in 1873 as a church…..about 30 years ago it was turned into a restaurant. So our fine dining well take place in a building that is now 145 years old. George Arliss was only 5 when it got built.

    1. Hey Steve….thanks for the nice words…I am sure many are going…”we don’t care about your life….give us movie stuff”….but every once in awhile I like to show the faces behind the website.

  3. Thanks dad for also letting me have a small birthday gathering for my 12th birthday.

    1. Hey DoC2/Sam…..your comment comes across like a famous scene in Oliver….in that movie…Oliver an orphan ….asks for some more food….”Please sir, I want some more.” …lol. I have attached a link to that scene for your viewing pleasure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4iEdMMjqdA

      FYI…..At our house….the kids get big birthday parties every other year. Last year for Sam’s 11 birthday…we took 27 of her friends and some of their families to see The Emoji Movie…..so this year it is just a family birthday party……but I did “allow” her to have a gathering with three of her closest friends….but it is not a “birthday party”. So in the end….Sam did get “more”.

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