July 31st to August 4th – Important Cogerson Dates

Every year…this is a crazy busy time for the Cogerson family.

July 31st – This year SoC2 (Son of Cogerson 2) turned 26!

August 2nd – This year GDofC (Granddaughter of Cogerson) turned 11!

Natalie…..is now 11.

August 3rd – This year WoC and Cogerson celebrate their 13th anniversary

August 4th – This year DoC2 (Daughter of Cogerson 2) turns 12!

Samantha aka Sam is now 12.
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32 thoughts on “July 31st to August 4th – Important Cogerson Dates”

  1. Hey Bob…..I will pass along your good wishes to WoC. Her schedule has gotten so busy lately….that her “most important” job….UMR maintenance has taken a back seat…..lol. So far…I have been hanging on…..lol.

    1. HI Bruce: Thanks for your feedback on my various recent posts. You remind me of a neighbour of ours [Joe] from my boyhood days who had a taxing day job in the shipyard and worked in the evenings as a steward in a private drinking club.

      As if that wasn’t enough I was arriving home one night at midnight when he was leaving his house with a huge moneybag in his hand [his float] and when I asked him where he was going he told me “Across town. I’v got an overnight job in an all-night club.” Thereupon he jumped into his car and sped off up the street through the darkness.

      He and my father used to have chats but he would usually be the one to cut them short saying on one occasion “There are not enough hours in the day for me Harry.”

      My brother was discussing with Joe once how expensive holidays had gotten but Joe explained that he was able to keep costs to a minimum because he crossed the channel by sea and he had a private arrangement with the captain of the ship to tend bar on the way there and back for free passage.

      When Joe’s name was mentioned in our house my brothers used to laughingly break into a verse of the famous Bee Song sung by British entertainer pintsized little Arthur Askey-
      “And here am I a busy little bee.
      Busy, busy, busy. More busy than a flea.
      Buzzing round the flowers and flying through the trees,
      And placing little stings on boy scouts’ knees!”

      However Joe’s “Work Horse” activities I would have found a drudge whereas yours strike me as intellectually and culturally rewarding so that they are likely enriching your life- provided you don’t take matters to where you drive W o C away.

      Les Dawson was a sad-faced British comedian who specialised in making people laugh with sad stories. In one TV scketch he was standing outside a hosipital ward with a bunch of flowers waiting for visiting time to commence when a friend he hadn’t seen for ages spotted him and, concerned, asked him if Les’wife was in there.

      The friend added that he always though that Les’ character would be the first one to go into hospital because he always overworked. However Les replied that it was just a neighbour whom he was visiting and added “The wife ran off with the guy next door 2 years ago. I miss him still !”

  2. great fun. yea cogersons.
    I just returned from a trip to new Orleans with my father, bob senior and my brother and his 3 sons. great jazz. great food. good times. bourbon street survived.
    I sense that Bob(by), Bob (Roy), Bob(sr.), and Bob(cox) are bob, bob, bobbing along.
    yea for sibling rivalry. I surrendered long ago.
    bern 1960 you are doing great work.
    happy birthday DoC2 (Sam). do you and GDoC (Natalie) share information on your dad? there is strength in numbers.
    in new Orleans we saw the world war II museum. fabulous. wonderful exhibit on USO and Bob Hope. Hope said it changed him forever and he continued to entertain troops into his eighties. he broadcast his weekly radio show in front of live GI audiences all over the world. my dad (88 years old) recognized Hope’s co-entertainer Francis Langford by picture from the 1940s.
    George Stevens (director, see UMR) was Eisenhower’s documentary director for WWII. Stevens was officer in army. he even made a few color films of war effort. he became a 2 time Oscar winner as director.

    1. distinguished flying cross recipient, james stewart, was rejected when he first enlisted for being underweight for his height but used a Hollywood trainer to gain weight to be able to serve in WWII. he was a bomber squad commander and flew over 20 missions. as an actor he played glen miller. Glen Miller disappeared in a flight serving his country in WWII. miller and his wife had adopted his under age singer Miriam Hutton so she could perform in nightclubs. Miriam Hutton appeared in the marx brother’s movie love happy in 1949 being billed ahead of marilyn Monroe (when groucho auditioned 3 girls for unknown Monroe’s part he exclaimed “there is only one, the blonde). Hutton may have promoted love happy in 1949 at tiger theatre in auburn or been there with the tex beneke band , purely speculation on my part.
      distinguished flying cross recipient, bomber gunner Clark gable flew 5 missions. he had one crew member killed by flak. he had shrapnel go through his boot. he was adolf hitlers favourite actor and a bounty was offered by hitler for Gable being captured alive. he stopped combat missions because he passed the age limit.

      1. Hey Bob cox. Great information on James Stewart and Miriam Hopkins. One of my dad’s books that I now have in my collection is Mission: James Stewart and the Fight For Europe…..it is a great read…..and shows Stewart was a real hero and not just a movie hero.

        There are rumors Glenn Miller was acting as a spy….which is one reason the Germans shot down his plane. Hopkins is one of the candidates in our Tiger Theater mystery. Good feedback as always.

    2. Hey bob cox…..I am surrounded by Bobs…..lol. There is you and Bob of many names here. My dad was a Bob. My father-in-law is a Bob. My brother is a Bobby. Goodness what is going on…..lol.

      Sounds like you, your dad and your family had a wonderful time in New Orleans. That is WoC’s old stomping ground….she spent half of her childhood in Louisiana. That WW2 museum sounds AWESOME! I will have to do some research on Frances Langford. Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

      As for Natalie and Sam…they FaceTime each other all the time….it is sad that I have been watching Natalie grow up on FaceTime…the negative of living over 5,000 miles apart.

    1. Hey SteinHoF16…she had a blast…..next year she will be a teenager…watch out world…lol.

    1. Happy Anniversary WoC……you have made my life a whole lot better….you are awesome.

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