June 19th – Happy Summer Vacation To Teachers And To Everybody Else

Beach and ocean scenics for vacations and summer getaways

Congrats on all the school teachers out there on making it to the end of the school year. Enjoy the summer.

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17 thoughts on “June 19th – Happy Summer Vacation To Teachers And To Everybody Else”

  1. HI BRUCE: Great news that your mom’s problem is not as severe as the last time.

    We will keep our fingers crossed for her and rely on you to keep us informed from time-to-time on progress – that’s assuming that we CAN locate you!

    But rumours hung about the country-side,
    That the lost Scholar long was seen to stray,
    Seen by rare glimpses, pensive and tongue-tied,
    In hat of antique shape, and cloak of grey,
    The same the gipsies wore.

    Shepherds had met him on the Hurst in spring;
    At some lone alehouse in the Berkshire moors,
    On the warm ingle-bench, the smock-frock’d boors
    Had found him seated at their entering,
    But, ‘mid their drink and clatter, he would fly.
    But come Shepherd and again renew the quest!

    from The Scholar Gipsy by Matthew Arnold written 1853

    1. Hey Bob. Thanks for the kind words. Funny that you mention finding me…..as we are on vacation. I wrote 10 pages in advance two have been released so far…a Modern Family and a Mark Rylance page….8 more to go. Good quote from Matthew Arnold.

  2. Hey Flora..thanks for the good wishes for my mom. She has a minor surgery in a couple of weeks…..though the doctor did say all surgeries when you are over 85 can be somewhat risky. Thanks again for the nice thoughts.

  3. Rough year comes to an end. Happy to say that I finished the year with perfect attendance for the second year in a row!

    1. Cogerson, congratulations on perfect attendance. i miss you all. my father was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with incurable cancer at 91 y.o. he started chemotherapy to slow progression and give him 2 or 3 more years. he is tolerating it well. this is especially tough on me since he and i have a complicated relationship, he is still verbally abusive to me, a 64 year old retired(4 weeks ago) M.D. you are all in my thoughts and prayers

      1. Hey bob cox
        1. Great to hear from you.
        2. Thanks for the congrats.
        3. Sorry about your father’s news. The Cogersons send you and him nothing but good wishes.
        4. Congrats on the retirement. You can start your own website now….lol.
        5. Relationships with father’s can sometimes be difficult…I hope you and your dad can reach a common place in the next few months.
        Once again…good to hear from you.

      2. HI BOB: When YOUR name pops up I always tend to think of the lines from the song Wind Beneath My Wings from the 1988 Bette Midler film “Beaches”.

        It must have been cold there in MY shadow
        Never to have sunlight on your face.” !!!

        We have had a few exchanges over the past couple of days but I wished to write to you separately about your father and wanted to think carefully about what I said as the news took me aback somewhat; so please overlook the delay.

        I can certainly empathize with you for two reasons:

        1/my own father who lived until 86 was severely housebound with harsh strokes in the last 3 years of his life and he too could become verbally abusive because of his frustrations having been a highly active man all his life. The Work Horse would know what “being busy” REALLY was if he had met my father!

        Anyway in his angst dad became even more argumentative and scathing than usual about my own idols such as Woody Allen and Brando and he got his knife even deeper into another of his pet hates Jerry Lewis! However we were still grateful to have him around “warts and all” as the saying goes and could therefore live with his regular tantrums.

        2/About seven years ago I had a severe cancer scare myself and it terrified me for a while but luckily it was a false alarm and has never since reared its ugly head again.

        As Harrison Ford indicated at the end of 1982’s Blade Runner NONE of us know how long we have got so that at 91 the possibility of even a further 2 or 3 years especially in your dad’s circumstances can be regarded as positive and it’s good to know that he is coping well with his treatment which I will pray is a success.

        Also congratulations on your retirement which knowing you as I think I do I am positive you have richly earned it and I hope that in the circumstances you get maximum enjoyment from your now- leisure years.

        So my sincere best wishes to your father and you and it would be nice if you could keep the site informed of his progress.

        1. Hey Bob. Lots of good information in your comment. Glad that cancer scare never returned. Sadly BERN1960 is dealing with a return of that horrible word. I hope you are enjoying your new age accomplishment. My brother turned 60 today…not sure what I think about my brother turning that age….seems there is no way my brother can be that old…lol.

          1. Sorry to hear about Bern. I am sure that all your regulars are with me in hoping that she makes good progress. You will of course keep us informed.

            Your brother is now 60! A mere boy to the late George Burns and me!

          2. Hey Bob. Thanks for the well wishes for my mom. Not that any cancer is not serious….but compared to about 12 years ago, Bern1960’s issues are much less serious this time around….or that is at least the hope. As for my brother….not thinking he is thinking he is a mere boy…..lol.

          3. Cogerson, thanks for your well wishes. Bern 1960 and you and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

        2. The Bob, thanks for sharing. being in your shadow is an honor.
          on my father , because i have grown spiritually and emotionally, i can love and tolerate him today. the week he was diagnosed i went to his town, Dallas, where i was raised. he said more kind things to me than in my whole life combined. we had 7 of our top 10 conversations ever. i could let his love in as stunted as it is.
          i was affirmed strangely by the facial expressions of horror( from 5 medical professionals on 5 separate occasions ) at the abuse my dad dished out. at least i am not imagining it or exaggerating it too much.
          on bowie he had me with his effort rebel rebel. i was the ultimate rebel until i turned 25 and God gave me faith. now i side with The Rebel, Jesus. my dad disapproves of my Christianity but for the first time in my 64 years my dad expressed an interest in my Father in heaven. praise God, his mercy knows no limit.

          1. HI BOB Thanks for exapnding on your previous comments. I see that you are wisely and commendably in effect practising your Christianity by adhering to the Biblical recommendation that one should “turn the other cheek”.

            ” Matthew 5:38-39 You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you not to resist an wringdoer. On the contrary, whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other to him as well.”

            Luke 6:28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

            As I have said please keep us informed of progress from time-to-time. Meanwhile keep safe.

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