13 thoughts on “June 2nd – Marine Movies – As Our Son Graduates From Boot Camp Today”

  1. Hey Bruce,

    I hope you and your family are going to have a great week! Once you’ve returned, I’ll be gone on another vacation, but looking forward to check out all the then new stuff here 😉

    1. Hey Lupino…..it was a great time….when even stopped at Myrtle Beach on the way back….an expensive but fun trip…..hope your vacation goes great too.

      1. Hi,

        thank you for the good wishes…suitcase is not yet packed, two more days of work ahead- but looking forward to a dive into the atlantic ocean already 🙂

        1. Hey Lupino…..sounds like you are going to have a good time. I am only about 10 minutes from the Atlantic Ocean….but after a surfing incident that happened years ago…..I no longer venture into the Atlantic Ocean. Have fun.

  2. Hey Bruce
    Only hope for you and your family good Time in South Carolina and for your son too…
    Good week for all of you

    1. Hey Pierre…it was a good time for sure. My first trip to Parris Island in 38 years….I went there when my older brother did the same thing in 1979.

  3. Headed to South Carolina for the rest of the week….so the website will be on auto pilot for awhile.

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