12 thoughts on “June 6th – Steve’s James Bond You Tube Videos”

  1. Cool videos, Bond lives! Also a bit educative for me as I haven’t seen most of Dalton’s, Brosnan’s, Craig’s films other than their Bond output, though I think Craig’s Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was great. One Brosnan film I enjoyed, Married Life, does not appear here.

    Looking at the 5 videos, I can’t help but think how Sean Connery’s career turned out to be so much more prolific than any of the others. Though it took a while for him to find success outside of Bond, he ended up making several great films. I was surprised not to see The Molly McGuires and especially The Name of the Rose, as these are usually highly rated.

    I would rank the Bonds from best to worse as follows: Connery, Moore, Craig, Dalton, Brosnan (not that I dislike Brosnan but I find the others had more of an edge to them). I actually liked George Lazemby in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service but understand he does not have much of a movie career to rate.

    Goldfinger as the highest rated Bond film makes sense to me, though I see that Cogerson’s ratings have it as 4th. However, I thought Thunderball rated a little low here.

    Thanks for the enjoyable journey through the careers of the 007s!

    1. Thanks for checking out my videos Phil.

      Not sure what happened to The Molly Maguires, let me check my files. Okay… the film had a good score at IMDB but less so at my other sources, which gave me an average score of 6, so it just missed inclusion. It fared better on Bruce’s chart.

      The Name of the Rose should be on there somewhere, it has a score of 7.3.

      1. Thanks for the response Steve, indeed I missed The Name of the Rose. Probably I expected it more around the top 10 😉 Yeah, it seems Molly Maguires has some mixed ratings and it really bombed at the box office. Still, it’s quite a good film and Connery gives a strong performance.

        Just saw the Michael Caine video. I particularly enjoyed some of the posters on that one I had never seen. Like Connery, he has many memorable movies and I was surprised to have seen 30 out of 33. I guess I’m another Caine fan, maybe not quite as devoted as some others, but he’s always such a joy to see on the screen…and I often play the Michael Caine song by Madness 🙂

        1. Oh you’re definitely a fan Phil, especially if you’re still playing that song.

          I thought my tally of 27 was impressive but you’ve only missed three.

          Thanks for checking out the video.

          1. But Mr. Steve….you included 33 movies on that video. Have I mentioned that Dirty Rotten Scroundels is too low?…lol.

        2. Hey Phil….I am a huge Caine fan….of the ones Steve listed…I am only one ahead of you. With 30….but when looking at the ones on my page my tally is 84…..as I have watched some of his lesser works like Ashanti, Silver Bears, The Swarm, Beyond the Posideon, Jaws 4 and others.

          Ashanti actually starred 4 Oscar winners……Caine, William Holden, Rex Harrison and Peter Ustinov. But it is a not good…..and one that Caine really dislikes too.

          1. Yes I remember that the talk about Ashanti was that it was a big disaster. I have not seen quite as much of Caine’s more dubious output, but I did see Blame it on Rio in the theater when it came out. I Blame it on my youth and someone else picking the movie.

            Agree that Dirty Rotten Scoundrels deserves better in Steve’s video…but then again, your rating is maybe a bit high…somewhere between the two would be about right.

            One of Caine’s films I usually find a bit underrated is Too Late the Hero. Though a serious action film, I find Caine hilarious in that movie.

            Fun story on the Michael Caine page on how WoC first got into helping you with this site. The rest is history!

    2. Hey Phil glad you enjoyed Steve’s videos. They are fun to watch especially with all the new to me posters.

    1. Every morning I see what I have for new UMR information…..if I don’t I go to celebrity birthdays….and then to your You Tube channel…..WoC calls these daily posts….my “Hey look I made it another day and I am alive and well” posts. Hope it gets you a few more views.

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