Want to know the best Linda Hamilton movies? How about the worst Linda Hamilton movies? Curious about Linda Hamilton box office grosses or which Marisa Tomei movie picked up the most Oscar® nominations? Need to know which Linda Hamilton movie got the best reviews from critics and audiences? Well you have come to the right place….because we have all of that information.
Linda Hamilton (1956-) is an American actress. She is best known for her portrayal of Sarah Connor in The Terminator film series and Catherine Chandler in the television series Beauty and the Beast (1987-1990). Here IMDb page shows over 75 acting credits since 1979. This page will rank Linda Hamilton movies from Best to Worst in six different sortable columns of information. Television shows, movies that were not released in North American theaters were not included in the rankings. To do well in our overall rankings a movie has to do well at the box office, get good reviews by critics, be liked by audiences and get some award recognition.

Linda Hamilton Movies Ranked In Chronological Order With Ultimate Movie Rankings Score (1 to 5 UMR Tickets) *Best combo of box office, reviews and awards.

Linda Hamilton Movies Can Be Ranked 6 Ways In This Table
The really cool thing about this table is that it is “user-sortable”. Rank the movies anyway you want.
Sort Linda Hamilton movies by co-stars of her movies
Sort Linda Hamilton movies by adjusted domestic box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
Sort Linda Hamilton movies by adjusted worldwide box office grosses using current movie ticket cost (in millions)
Sort Linda Hamilton movies by how they were received by critics and audiences. 60% rating or higher should indicate a good movie.
Sort Linda Hamilton movies by how many Oscar® nominations and how many Oscar® wins each movie received.
Sort Linda Hamilton movies by Ultimate Movie Ranking (UMR) Score. UMR Score puts box office, reviews and awards into a mathematical equation and gives each movie a score.
Blue link in Co-star column takes you to that star’s UMR movie page

Best IMDb Trivia On Linda Hamilton
1. Linda Carroll Hamilton was born in Salisbury, Maryland in 1956. Hamilton has an identical twin sister.
2. Linda Hamilton was married to actor Bruce Abbott from 1982 to 1989. They meet while filming The Assassination Game (1982). She was married to super director James Cameron from 1997 to 1999.
3. While Linda Hamilton was attending Washington College, the acting professor told her that she had no hope of earning a living as an actress.
4. James Cameron offered Linda Hamilton the role of Molly Brown in Titanic (1997) (ultimately played by Kathy Bates), but she declined.
5. Check out Linda Hamilton’s career compared to current and classic actors. Most 100 Million Dollar Movies of All-Time.
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I saw Terminator Dark Fate last wednesday at Cineworld, a SuperScreen presentation, which just means the screen is a bit bigger than the other screens in the place. I enjoyed it, plenty of action but nothing we haven’t seen before.
Linda Hamilton was one of the best things about Dark Fate, tough, fearless and teaming up with Arnie to kill yet another morphing Terminator from the future. She was 61 when she started production on the new film but looked older and wrinklier. People age differently. Look at Sharon Stone, 60 years old and looks 20 years younger.
I’ve seen 9 of the 19 films on the chart, favorites are the three Terminator films, Black Moon Rising. I remember enjoying Mr. Destiny but it’s been ages since I last watched it.
Dark Fate looks like being a major box office flop, I doubt they’ll make any more Terminator films. The first two still the best in the series.
Good stuff Bruce. Vote Up!
Hey Steve. Thanks for the comment and visit to our Sarah Conner page. Good mini-review of T6. Not thinking they will ever come up with a fresh idea for that franchise. Good to read that Linda Hamilton was one of the better parts of the movie. I have liked her since seeing her in Tag:The Assassination Game. That one was (a) before The Terminator and (b) was about a crazed student (the future Mr. Linda Hamilton) that was trying to kill Linda….Robert Carradine got the good guy role….I really loved that one when I was young and a teenager.
I have seen 10 of her movies…so my tally just barely edges your tally. I liked the first two Terminator movies…but have not liked any since then. Maybe part 6 will be the one that changes that. As for Mr. Destiny…I recently (at least in the last year) re-visited that movie….it is a fun movie for sure….with a good Caine role. Interesting point about how she looks versus Sharon Stone. But….time is undeafeted…lol. Good stuff as always.
Leaving aside the early Terminator films I have seen Linda in just the following productions:
1/Silent Fall with Dreyfus as pictured above. WH’s sources do not think much of it and give it an average review rating of 50%, but I thought it was OK. Dreyfus is always watchable.
2/TV movie Sex and Mrs X (2000) with Jacqueline Bisset
3/ a rerun of a 1986 episode of TV series Murder She Wrote starring Angela ‘Delilah’ Lansbury called Menace Anyone.
4/ rerun of a 1997 episode of the TV sitcom Frasier called Odd Man Out.
5/ TV movie Home by Christmas aired USA Christmas Day 2006.
This topical new page is “Voted Up” as proof that Linda deserves thepage is provided by the fact that 40 years after her debut she has survived to be capable of repeating her Terminator role in a major production [staggering estimated budget: $185-196 million] Celebrity Net Worth places her current net fortune at $70 million [though we don’t know how much of that came from Cameron].
IMDB credits her with16 acting awards and 10 noms. I used to confuse her with Lorraine Bracco, because I think they look [d] a bit alike particularly as they both have protruding lips. Anyway though it’s not as said my own cup of tea let’s wish Dark Fate well for Linda’s sake
Hey Bob….thanks for the thoughts on Linda Hamilton and her other movies. I have seen 10 of her movies….and that will go to 11 when I see Terminator Dark Fate. Granted it will be awhile before I check that one out….it is a home entertainment movie for me. I liked and first noticed her in the movie Tag:The Assassination Game. So I might be one of the few people that knew her when The Terminator came out….which I saw in theaters…and is one of my all-time favorite movies.
Silent Fall got destroyed by critics and quickly left theaters…but like you I thought it was ok. Dreyfuss is a favorite of mine. I actually saw one of his recent movies last night…Daughter of the Wolf….it is pretty bad…and even Dreyfuss looks bad in the movie. I have not seen any of her television work….even her Beauty and the Beast escaped me….but maybe I will see some of that work in the future. $70 million net worth is pretty impressive…I wonder how much of that came from her divorce from James Cameron. Good stuff as always.
HI BRUCE Thanks for the feedback on Linda and your thoughts on the new Terminator film.
I think that in the “have seen” competition, television movies should be included. That way I might be a just a little way behind The Big Three [Flora, Steve and you] instead of the usual MILES!
Take care.
Hey Bob…I agree….with the increasing power of NetFlixx and other streaming companies…we are looking at ways to include movies not released in theaters….so many you will be destroying us in the tally counts when we get those roles added to the tables. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Thanks for the feedback on McGill and Gazzara and the further feedback on Linda.
I had actually meant to look up what if anything Hirsch said about Gazzara but somebody came to the door and the matter slipped my memory.
At times I overlook a Joel search simply because I tend to presume that if he has had something to say about an actor you will have included it in the new page concerned.
Hey Bob….well…I eventually got the Gazzara Joel comment up….not to mention that I just got the Joel comment on Sterling Hayden as well. Good stuff as always.
WORK HORSE: It’s Dark FATE: Dark Fury is a 2004 short movie in which that big ham Vin Diesel plays himself and is part of the Chronicles of Riddick franchise. Good phot of Linda thought.
Ex W o C [wife of Cameron]Linda has been very active overall on both the big screen and television since her 1979 acting debut in the movie Night-Flowers but will probably always be known as Sarah Connor; and I see that she has returned again to Sarah in Terminator Dark Fate which has just been released. I shall not watch it because although I enjoyed the first few in the franchise and I like Arnie, I feel that the franchise has been milked dry and in fact I gave it up long ago.
Wikipedia describes Arnie’s role in Dark Fate as “an ageing Terminator” so at least a spade is now being called a spade! Maybe that’s actually a relief for Arnie: Harrison Ford recently boasted that these days “I get to play old guys!” and Stallone is running around looking mummified in his latest roles. [Mover over Hirsch – I can say mean things too!] In the cast lists that I have seen for Dark Fate Linda actually gets top billing above Arnie-see Wiki and IMDB.
See also art Two
Hey Bob…thanks for the heads up on my Fate/Fury error….it has been fixed. I agree with you about the Terminator franchise…..all this talk about this one (T:Fate) being something new….it seems like the same story line. A good robot protecting the future of mankind versus a bad robot trying to end mankind. I think many agree with us it’s box office was very underwhelming. From what I have read…Arnie is good in the movie…but his story in the movie is beyond stupid. Good feedback as always.