March 16th – Who Has The Best 10 Movies? Top 20 UMR Thespians

Here are UMR’s Top 20 Actors/Actresses when looking at the best UMR score average for their Top 10 movies… the best of the best.

20th – Elizabeth Taylor 74.89
19th – Paul Newman 75.17
18th- Clark Gable 75.26
17th- Leonardo DiCaprio 75.33
16th- Matt Damon 75.97
15th- Humphrey Bogart 76.42
14th- Robert Duvall 76.47
13th- Gene Hackman 76.57
12th- Gregory Peck 76.88
11th- Claude Rains 77.12
10th- Spencer Tracy 77.33
9th- Katharine Hepburn 77.39
8th- James Stewart 77.44
7th- Ingrid Bergman 77.82
6th- Gary Cooper 77.99
5th- Harrison Ford 78.28
4th- Jack Nicholson 79.64
3rd- Marlon Brando 79.68
2nd- Tom Hanks 80.02
1st- Dustin Hoffman 80.14

The Hoffman Top 10?  10th – Marathon Man, 9th –  Little Big Man, 8th – Kung Fu Panda, 7th – Lenny, 6th All The President’s Men, 5th – The Graduate, 4th – Tootsie, 3rd –  Rain Man, 2nd – Midnight Cowboy and #1 Kramer vs Kramer.


UMR hats, bumper stickers, magnets arrived yesterday….so I guess we now have a merchandising department….lol.  Making DoC2 the VP of that division.

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10 thoughts on “March 16th – Who Has The Best 10 Movies? Top 20 UMR Thespians”

  1. great site. I have been hoping for this. awed by the results. yea UMR, yea Cogerson, yea WoC. how do I buy hat, bumper sticker, magnet? I hope some day you can give us, your fans/admirers, the ability to set parameters for search. like top 100 actors top 5 movies or top 20 movies. I think this site perfectly rates this group for greatness. like to see top 10 movies for top 20 thespians for box office. saddened that fx/comic movies will make box office results less meaningful historically and acting virtually inconsequential.

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