March 16th – Who Has The Best 10 Movies? Top 20 UMR Thespians

Here are UMR’s Top 20 Actors/Actresses when looking at the best UMR score average for their Top 10 movies… the best of the best.

20th – Elizabeth Taylor 74.89
19th – Paul Newman 75.17
18th- Clark Gable 75.26
17th- Leonardo DiCaprio 75.33
16th- Matt Damon 75.97
15th- Humphrey Bogart 76.42
14th- Robert Duvall 76.47
13th- Gene Hackman 76.57
12th- Gregory Peck 76.88
11th- Claude Rains 77.12
10th- Spencer Tracy 77.33
9th- Katharine Hepburn 77.39
8th- James Stewart 77.44
7th- Ingrid Bergman 77.82
6th- Gary Cooper 77.99
5th- Harrison Ford 78.28
4th- Jack Nicholson 79.64
3rd- Marlon Brando 79.68
2nd- Tom Hanks 80.02
1st- Dustin Hoffman 80.14

The Hoffman Top 10?  10th – Marathon Man, 9th –  Little Big Man, 8th – Kung Fu Panda, 7th – Lenny, 6th All The President’s Men, 5th – The Graduate, 4th – Tootsie, 3rd –  Rain Man, 2nd – Midnight Cowboy and #1 Kramer vs Kramer.


UMR hats, bumper stickers, magnets arrived yesterday….so I guess we now have a merchandising department….lol.  Making DoC2 the VP of that division.

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10 thoughts on “March 16th – Who Has The Best 10 Movies? Top 20 UMR Thespians”

  1. Hi Bruce, thanks for this list, but I’m a little lost as to where you get these UMR scores. When I look up the UMR scores of these stars, I see that their top 10 are usually in the 90s, though I noticed that some time ago something happened which raised every-one’s scores. Maybe the averaging is based on the old scoring system?

    1. Hey PhiHoF17….these averages are based on the “old” UMR score….before we went to the Percentage Score we now use. The way the score works now……is a score is 99.00…..that 99% of the movies in the database are ranked lower than the movie….while a slim 1% are better. I liked the old way better….but so many people complained it did not make any sense…..that we eventually went to the Percentage %. WoC fetching program still gets the old score….which is why the scores did not add up. Good catch as always.

      1. Thanks for clarifying Bruce. I was never clear why and how the UMR scores had been changed. The old method made sense to me as well, but I guess both are interesting in their own ways.

        1. Hey PhilHoF17…….the old way was confusing for someone unaware of the UMR formula….saying a movie with a 60 score was really good just did not make sense. WoC’s co-working computer friends really had an issue with it. Another step in the evolution of the website…lol.

  2. I like the list but it of course makes me want to see more. Where is The Duke? Meryl Streep? The list could go on forever. Sorry you are having website issues,

  3. Wasn’t expecting Dustin Hoffman to top the list, interesting. I haven’t seen his no.1 film Kramer vs Kramer.

    De Niro and Pacino didn’t make the top 20 and Matt Damon did?

    Brando came close. Where’s our lovely mascot, Myrna?

    Only three women made the list.

    I might try something similar on my video charts and see who comes out on top. Problem is I haven’t rated all the modern actors yet, i.e Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford.

    1. Hey Steve….the Damon inclusion caught my eye too. Pacino is close to the Top 20…..I think in the Top 30…..not sure about DeNiro….I currently am away from the database. Hoffman’s 3 Best Picture Winners helped the cause……plus The Graduate and Tootsie…those 5 helped carry the load.

      It was a fun page to put together……sadly doing it an old post is the only way to get it into the website……might expand the list if and when I can ever produce a new page… sucks having to use the edit functions to get new.

      Yep only three women on the list…..and Taylor barely beat William Holden for that 20th spot.

      That would be an interesting video……look forward to it….thanks for all the feedback.

  4. With our 2018 UMR Movie Tournament being derailed….and as we wait for our website to allow us to post “new” stuff….we figured we would share some stats that we found interesting. Hopefully today is the day things return back to normal.

  5. Knowing Michael Caine’s birthday was coming….we had been adding in his trailers to the page…well luckily….we had finished that page before our recent website server problems hit….so happy to say….we have trailers on every single Caine movie on the page….from his great movies like The Dark Knight, Zulu, Hannah and Her Sisters….to his “pay check” movies like The Hand, Jaws The Revenge, The Swarm and Beyond The Poseidon Adventure. Happy Birthday Mr. Caine.

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