3 thoughts on “March 17th – Ranking 50 Kurt Russell Movies On His 67th Birthday”

  1. 1 I was a bit timorous about responding to your Kurt Russell birthday announcement because [the spammers apart] you have not always shown interest in my observations about the latest Birthday Boy or Girl so that I thought maybe you wanted to keep the celebrations private! Anyway as the saying goes “In for a penny in for a pound.”

    2 Over the years many Hollywood romantic partnerships have been hyped as “golden couples” and in the 1950s for example we had Janet and Tony.

    3 In the late fifties the Newmans came along but they were almost overshadowed by the Burtons in the 1960s though in the latter case scandal did not sit too well with the spirit of the adjective “golden” though the bank balances did.

    4 In the late 1980s and the 1990s there were of course the Moores and again “golden couple” could certainly be applied within the context of their earnings to the extent that Demi was nicknamed “Gimme More” because of her extravagant fee demands and Bruce was so wealthy that he could at one time [and even today for all I know] own a whole small town. It has been reported recently that he turned down Expendables 3 because they wouldn’t pay him enough.

    5 I will digress slightly by saying that my main objection to He Who Must be Obeyed on this site was not his criticisms of The Duke and Mr Mumbles’ work/films although Joel’s dismissal of an AMERICAN legend such as Wayne annoyed me much more than Hirsch’s put down of Mumbles artistically.

    6 Indeed I would defend Joel’s right to express his own opinions about the latter but what I did find most disappointing and not one of the better examples of professionalism was Joel’s personal character assassination of poor ole Mr M and within the context of this current post one of Joel’s gripes about the Great Mumbler seemed to be that that the latter liked making money.

    7 Well, who doesn’t? Gordon Gekko might well have admonished Joel “Man this is AMERICA! Where do you think you are – Russia?” So whilst Mrs Moore was never my cup of tea Mr Moore has overall been one of the great stand-alone mint-makers for the film business in the modern era and within the practices of our society was entitled to state/negotiate the fees for which he would work. “The man who works for nothing is a fool.” Gary Cooper The Fountainhead. Quoting that may be stretching comparisons a little but you will get the general point.

    8 Kurt and Goldie have also been one of Hollywood’s highly successful romantic couples and if one of the criteria for being defined as a “golden couple” is longevity of the relationship then they richly deserve that accolade as do the Newmans. The latter were married for 50 years until Paul’s death while Kurt and Goldie have been together since 1983 though they have never formally tied the knot – two epic unions by Hollywood standards.

    9 My brother is a great fan of Kurt’s and has probably seen Big Trouble in Little China more times than Howard Hughes has seen The Duke’s Jet Pilot. I propose to send my brother a copy of this birthday celebration “edition” of Kurt’s Cogerson page which will let him see how some of Kurt’s flicks did worldwide as well as domestically but in the meantime happy birthday Kurt if the Work Horse will let me extend such wishes to you!

    POSTSCRIPT This post can also serve as my advance birthday tribute to Mr Moore’s Monday anniversary. Beat you to the punch for once Work Horse!

  2. Yeah I’m gonna say big trouble in little China and captain Ron were better than death proof and guardians of the galaxy 2 for Kurt when looking at the review percentages.

    1. Hey Joshua….that is one problem with my review %….it takes into account the whole movie versus a single performance. I think his performances in Tequila Sunrise, Winter People (I might be the only person that likes that movie) and Miracle would be near my personal favorites with Tombstone and Escape From New York. Thanks for the feedback.

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